Grünheide: Authorities give the all-clear despite limit values ​​being exceeded – 2024-03-01 13:37:17

by times news cr

2024-03-01 13:37:17

In Grünheide, Brandenburg, Tesla is being criticized. The car manufacturer exceeded limit values ​​in wastewater measurements. But authorities give the all-clear.

According to official measurements, the US electric car manufacturer Tesla has exceeded certain wastewater limits – but the responsible authorities see no danger to the population. According to information from the German Press Agency, the value for phosphorus has been five times above the official limit since the factory opened almost two years ago, and there were four excesses in relation to the contract with the Strausberg-Erkner water association. The values ​​are based on Tesla’s own measurements, which are available to the district.

“Due to the substances for which an excess is said to have occurred – refractory phosphorus and nitrogen – risks to health and the public drinking water supply can be ruled out,” the Oder-Spree district said on request. The “Stern” had previously reported that in measurements carried out on behalf of the water association, Tesla had exceeded the phosphorus limit 40 times – although this was based on a different limit than the official one.

Tesla could face additional charges amounting to millions

The WSE wants to discuss at an extraordinary association meeting on Friday whether it will stop wastewater disposal at Tesla. Otherwise he would face additional charges amounting to millions. In addition, there could be a stop to the disposal of all association wastewater in the Münchehofe sewage treatment plant.

The car manufacturer warned the water association about stopping disposal. He pointed out that the substance concentration is higher because Tesla saves water. “To reduce the Gigafactory’s drinking water requirements, we are gradually implementing further water-saving measures,” the company said. “To our knowledge, no abnormalities or limit values ​​were exceeded during the operation of the Münchehofe sewage treatment plant in 2023.”

The Ecological Democratic Party (ÖDP) is demanding the closure of the sewage pipeline, a production stop and stricter environmental regulations.

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