Guardiola rectifies and will seek a “respect” agreement with Vox in Extremadura

by time news

2023-06-26 16:29:26

After several weeks of tension between the PP and Vox for Extremadura, with cross reproaches and accusations included, María Guardiola has decided to lower the tone of her speech and put aside her veto of Vox to seek a “programmatic agreement” and ” respect” with the group led by Santiago Abascal. This has been made known by the president of the PP in Extremadura in a letter sent on Sunday night to her militancy. A letter in which she also announces the suspension of the Autonomous Board of Directors and the Regional Executive Committee scheduled for this Tuesday.

Guardiola’s objective is none other, he assures, than to “avoid malicious interpretations” or “distractions” that harm the national campaign of Alberto Núñez Feijóo ahead of the next general elections on July 23. It must be remembered that according to the polls, the controversy in Extremadura has hit the leader of the PP squarely, causing him to lose momentum. What’s more, the continuous contradictions of the PP around Vox would have caused the mobilization of a certain left-wing electorate.

“I am convinced that soon we will begin the march as a government to change our land,” Guardiola advances in his letter. And he goes a step further, thus lowering his tone and his attack on Vox voters: “I am very aware that respect, dialogue and programmatic agreement with the Vox formation in Extremadura is also essential. We share a priority, to pass page to socialist policies. This is what we should be concerned with”.

Thus, convinced of “not failing” his voters, Guardiola explains that “we are facing a historic opportunity and no one is going to take us away from our goal.” In this sense, she no longer rules out that Abascal’s formation is in the Government.

It should be noted that this decision comes after the communication adviser to the president of the PP of Extremadura, Santiago Martínez-Vares from Seville (48 years old, CEO of the consultancy Rebellious Words), publicly announced that he was stopping working with her after leaked an audio where he attacked the national president of Vox, Santiago Abascal.

Likewise, Guardiola has indicated that the PP is a party with a vocation for public service and that he is not going to give it up, and has stressed that the commitments have to remain firm to change what does not work. “The value of the given word never expires and I have a commitment to the people of Extremadura and to change”, he asserted.

The popular leader recalled that her party obtained 28 deputies and almost 39% of the votes and that neither the voters nor the project they have built together with them will fail.

Abascal: “It’s a good step”

For his part, the national president of Vox, Santiago Abascal, has considered the letter sent by the president of the PP in Extremadura “a good step”. “Respect is basic between two political forces that have been voted for by Extremadurans and Spaniards in many regions, and that we are obliged to understand each other and build an alternative,” Abascal said in statements to journalists in Valencia, before attending the constitutive session of the Valencian Parliament after the elections of May 28. Eph reports.

In any case, he has indicated that what is important now are the general elections on July 23 “and to throw out of the Moncloa Palace who has become a danger to Spain and has incorporated all the enemies of order into the leadership of the State Constitution and of the unity of Spain”.

#Guardiola #rectifies #seek #respect #agreement #Vox #Extremadura

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