Guercif Province: Spontaneous citizen engagement to facilitate the work of census teams
Guercif – The General Population and Housing Census (RGPH 2024) in the province of Guercif continues, like the rest of the provinces and regions of the Kingdom, within a framework of responsibility and strong mobilization, enhanced by a voluntary and spontaneous involvement of households, both in urban and rural areas, in this strategic operation.
This operation, which is taking place throughout this month, under the supervision of the Regional Directorate of the HCP of the Oriental, is experiencing a strong mobilization of the census teams and a flawless involvement of the various services and institutions concerned, in order to overcome the difficulties and constraints that could hinder the success of this major project, especially since the province of Guercif is distinguished by its rural character and its vast territory. In this context, the provincial supervisor of the census in Guercif, Faïçal Lhaoul, confirmed that the data collection process within the framework of the 7th general census of the population and housing is going well, in an atmosphere characterized by enthusiasm, responsibility and commitment, as well as spontaneous, serious and broad support from citizens, both in urban and rural areas. He explained, in a statement to MAP, that this operation of crucial importance is distinguished this time by the use of modern digital tools for data collection, noting that the province of Guercif is experiencing the mobilization of 265 participants, including 195 investigators, including 100 deployed in rural areas, and 63 observers (38 in rural areas), in addition to seven communal supervisors. Mr. Lhaoul also said that the category of students and certificate holders represents 70 percent of the total participants in this process, while the percentage of women stands at 31 percent. For his part, the municipal supervisor, Tairi Abdelkader, indicated that the data collection operation from households is carried out in good conditions and is distinguished by spontaneous interaction, a good reception and great cooperation from residents, noting that the teams in charge of the census are working to collect general information mainly related to citizens’ access to basic services, including education, health, social security, drinking water and electricity. Regarding the logistical and IT resources made available to the teams deployed in the field in rural areas in order to overcome the constraints and difficulties that may hinder their work, he emphasized the provision of 265 tablets and 100 portable chargers, in addition to the mobilization of 61 vehicles and drivers to facilitate the movement of participants, in addition to covering the accommodation of some investigators working in remote and remote areas. Approached by MAP, a resident of the commune of Assebbab in Guercif province, praised the level of communication of the census teams, noting that participation in this operation organized every 10 years is a national duty, and therefore all citizens must contribute to its success and facilitate the work of the teams selected for this purpose. During this RGPH, a double questionnaire is used to collect data from households. The first questionnaire is short and includes questions related to demographic structures and phenomena such as international migration and mortality, while the second, longer and more detailed, also includes questions on new topics, including social protection, the use of information and communication technologies and the environment. Carried out in application of the High Instructions of HM King Mohammed VI and in accordance with the recommendations of the United Nations Statistical Commission, the General Population and Housing Census is of capital importance for the planning of public policies and the socio-economic development of the country, providing a detailed picture of Moroccan society and its evolution.
2024-09-08 00:04:29