Guide to installing aluminum windows

by time news

Wooden windows used to be very popular because they are beautiful, they give a rustic look, and mainly because there was no other option. Wood is a heavy material that requires periodic maintenance as well as iron, and the latest developments in the field have resulted in the use of higher quality and more durable materials. In recent years, aluminum windows have taken center stage and for good reasons.

Aluminum window installation It is the first choice in almost every home in light of the many advantages and the quality of the material that is very common in nature, the ease of installation, the survival over time, the variety of styles and colors and of course – the high-quality sealing that gives the The perfect connection between home and the world But without bringing the world into your home when you want peace and quiet.
What is important to know before installing aluminum windows?
before you perform Windows installation In your home, you should know which is the preferred option, what are the advantages of the type that is common today, what types of windows exist, what is the price range, how are they installed and especially who installs, what is the warranty and which company should you contact. Windows are not wall paint that can be changed often when you want a little shade, and before you order Windows installer You should get all the important and relevant information so that you can enjoy a quality product for years.

Windows with an aluminum frame, or an aluminum profile are the efficient and best way to get a window with hermetic closure, maximum insulation, aesthetics, low weight, strong, with many options for choosing colors and shapes.

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Windows installation

Windows installation

(Photo: Santandreo Luciano. Aluminum contractor, Alum Zohar.)

When talking about insulation, it is not only about preventing the penetration of outside noise, but also about maintaining the desired temperature and preventing the penetration of cold and heat, which leads to savings in electricity costs.

Aluminum is a lightweight material that does not rust, it is flexible and allows you to give it the appearance of wood, iron, or any design you choose. Love the look of a Belgian window but want it to be comfortable and easy? Aluminum can give the appearance of any other material but without the need to maintain it and with all the advantages of progress.

If in the past it was necessary to “fight” with closing the window or with moving it on the rail, thanks to the Kalil SYSTEM method, Kalil’s advanced development and production method, you are completely exempt from dealing with this and the profiles slide very easily inside the rail, opening and closing effortlessly.

The Kalil System method comes to ensure peace of mind for years, by taking care of the quality of the materials and matching the components in the system for perfect synergy and the ability to work uniformly with each other.

Installing an aluminum window It is not complicated in view of the lightness of the material and its properties, which affects both the price of the window and the cost of installation. You can choose a white standard basic profile, which costs less, and you can create any color and style according to your choice in accordance with the home design at a higher cost.

It is important to match the profile to the window and the glass, and this after an accurate measurement of the size of the opening, a measurement that an experienced professional will know how to perform. This way you can get the benefits of the material along with the desired look.

Installs aluminum windows

Choosing an aluminum contractor is important and critical in the construction process.

You are investing in an expensive component, with quite a few resources, therefore the importance of the installation is no less important than the quality of the selected window system.

It is important not to take this lightly and find a professional contractor with knowledge, experience, certification, etc.

Pay attention to the warranty period offered by the installer, which is usually a few years.

It is important to know – a warranty for the profiles only, is not a warranty for the entire window system including hinges, accessories and more, so you should check what warranty you receive

In order to find the right installer for your project, you are invited to contact the Kalil company, which offers a service that matches the aluminum installer and contractor exactly according to your requirements and the specific needs of your project.

Kalil will find the right professional for you, accompany the process during the installation, perform a quality check and even provide an integrated and comprehensive warranty certificate for 7 years.

This way you can enjoy your window system with peace of mind for a long time.

Want to know more about installing windows? turned tolightthe window experts.

First published: 13:25, 31.07.22

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