Guinea: the rebuilding of the State also involves the progressive construction of infrastructure

by time news

2023-09-05 17:03:27

The National Rally Committee for Development (CNRD) relies on socio-economic infrastructure to improve the standard of living of Guineans and boost the country’s economic growth. This is evidenced by the number of projects launched or which have resumed throughout the national territory since September 5, 2021.

The CNRD seems to have sounded the end of the recess by paying sustained attention to the procurement process and the timely execution of contracts. In two years, the results are visible.
“2,252 kilometers of roads completed in two years”

The country’s roads are practically under construction. The first act taken by the President of the transition in this sector, will have been the revival of the construction works of the national road N°1 Coyah-Mamou-Dabola.
Following this, Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya proceeded on July 13, 2022 to lay the first stone of the Bambéto interchange, the work of which is very advanced to date. This project, financed to the tune of 246 million US dollars, is being executed by the Chinese company China Hydro for a period of 30 months.

Subsequently, construction work on the KM36 and Kagbelen interchanges was relaunched. In Kagbelen, the “Paul Kagamé” bridge was inaugurated and that of KM36, already in service, is awaiting some finishing work to be fully operational.

It should also be remembered that in January 2023, work on the Tanènè toll bridge, 126 meters long, allowing the replacement of the 4 bridges built in 1957, was launched by Prime Minister Dr Bernard Goumou. The work of this important crossing work worth 269 billion GNF, with longitudinal steel beam, concrete deck, with 2 lanes, and a total length of connection roads of 3 km, is progressing to the satisfaction of the authorities.

A real race against time is launched to provide the country with modern, safe crossing structures adapted to the challenges of the moment. In this dynamic, construction work on five bridges and their access roads is underway in Conakry and Coyah. These are the Kakimbo, Kiroti, Démoudoula, Kissosso and Kassonya bridges as well as their access roads in greater Conakry. The construction cost amounts to 59.99 million euros, for an execution period of 30 months.
In around ten cities, asphalting work on urban roads has begun. These are Gaoual (10 km), Macenta (11.2 km) Yomou (11 km), Koubia 9.3 km), Kérouané 11.3 km) Mali 17.1 km), Tougué 15 km), Koundara (8.3 km), Dabola (8.5 km), Kindia (8.5 km).
According to the Minister of Infrastructure, who was speaking on the occasion of the inauguration of the “Kagamé” bridge, the Guinean government will invest, for the 2023 budget year, “more than 4,000 billion GNF in the public works”.

The head of government, who does not miss opportunities to magnify the achievements of the CNRD, announced in recent days that “2,252 kilometers of roads have been built since September 5, 2021”.
Airport infrastructure is being modernized
In this sector, it is a feat that the CNRD is in the process of achieving. Three months ago, the extension and modernization works of the Ahmed Sékou Touré international airport were launched. At the end of the 20 months of execution, the main airport of Conakry will change its face. The work concerns in particular the construction of a New Passenger Terminal of 32,000 m², a new Cargo Terminal of 3,600 m², SOGEAC administrative offices, a Control Tower, a New fire station, a New power plant , a Presidential Pavilion, an Air Transport Gendarmerie Building, a Hotel Complex and the renovation of the runway and taxiways.
This work will be carried out in five phases, according to the specifications. The first will concern the buildings and will be completed in six months at an estimated cost of 25 million euros. The other four phases will follow gradually. This will result in a total cost of just over 270 million euros. The Albayrak group is responsible for carrying out the work of this gigantic work. To date, the airport has an operational automated car park, with three access modes.
At the same time, the Guinean State has launched work to rehabilitate the airfields in Faranah, Kankan, N’zérékoré and Labé. “We must think big and not settle for little,” comments Transport Minister Félix Lamah.

All-round socio-educational infrastructure

After taking stock of school infrastructure and equipment, the Minister of Pre-university Education and Literacy proposed to the Council of Ministers the rehabilitation and construction of new schools to meet the deficits. Thus, 563 schools have been renovated and 1,000 classrooms are being built.

In the field of higher education, several research laboratories are now equipped and the department supports the work of at least a thousand teacher-researchers in masters and doctorates.

Technical education occupies a place of choice in the policy of rebuilding the Guinean education system. In this perspective, a new railway school, the CFP of Donka and many others as well as the Maritime School are under construction. Also, to improve living and learning conditions, learners in vocational schools now benefit from maintenance grants. These vary between 150,000 and 250,000 Guinean francs. A first in Guinea. In addition to the construction of CFPs and the modernization of the registration process in vocational schools, the department is also carrying out a biometric census of learners.

In the context of social housing, in September 2022, Dr Bernard Goumou kicked off work to build 302 housing units in Kolaboui. In January 2023, he chaired the handover ceremony for the first batch of social housing in Matoto. A project led by the Guinean Agency for Housing Finance (AGUIFIL).


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