Gujarati potato that attracts people from northern states!| Gujarati potatoes that attract the northern states!

by time news

Avinasi, Indore and Gujarat are major sources of potato for the market.

Vegetables are brought from various places to Tirupur district, Avinasi etc. In this, vegetables such as potato, carrot, beetroot, beans grown in the Nilgiri district are popular among the people.

Since the price of Ooty potato is high, potatoes grown in Gujarat, MP, Induar state, Erode district, Dimbam and Hassan state of Karnataka are being brought to the market more and more.

Trader Kannan said: Although there is a special demand among customers for Ooty tuber, which is rich in taste and character, it has to be bought at a price of 70 to 80 rupees per kg.

Middle class customers do not buy because they have to sell it at more than 80 rupees per kg in retail sales. Only certain customers buy.

At the same time, potatoes are available from Gujarat at a selling price of Rs 30 to Rs 40 per kg. In particular, Gujarati potatoes are preferred by workers in northern states. Thus, we make more purchases. Thus, he said.

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