The founder of Hon Hai Group, Terry Gou, is striving to run for the presidency. The All-Taiwan Pleasant Tour held the first “Taiming Gou has something to tell you” in Zhubei tonight (22) and attracted more than 300 people to participate. Guo Taiming used the title of “War and Peace” to believe that Taiwan must maintain peace, and proposed that Taiwan must have “three self-confidences”: to start the era of great negotiations, to have a dignified peace, and to transform Taiwan into an Asian technology island, in order to resolve Taiwan has become a crisis in Asia’s ammunition depot.

Guo Taiming, Yu Meiren and Zhu Xueheng put forward their respective views on “war and peace”. Guo Taiming shared his expectations for Taiwan’s future with the title “Taiwan should not become an ammunition depot in Asia, but should become a technology island”.

Guo Taiming first pointed out Taiwan’s plight: “The whole world believes that Taiwan will become the next Ukraine.” Whether it is a scholar visiting the United States, an advanced industry, or a former prime minister who visited Japan, everyone is “extremely worried” about the current situation in the Taiwan Strait. .

Guo Taiming described Taiwan as “prey walking on a tightrope. As long as China or the United States tightens a little bit, Taiwan will fall to pieces.” But is this really the case? Taiwan will eventually need to “choose between the two.” Standing on one side?” Guo Taiming believes that Taiwan should be able to walk out a “new middle line” of “equal distance between China and the United States”, “a community with a shared future between Taiwan and Japan”, and a “community with a shared future for the world”.

Guo Taiming pointed out that in order to achieve the “new middle route”, Taiwan needs to have three self-confidences:

The first confidence is to start the “Great Negotiation Era”. Guo Taiming pointed out that Taiwan should use technological development and economic strength as bargaining chips in negotiations. The problem between the United States and China is that the two sides do not understand, and Taiwan’s advantage is that it has a deep interaction with both the United States and China. “Taiwan has the best key position in the era of great negotiations, and does not have to play zero-sum games in international politics.” , Negotiation pays attention to “advantages and disadvantages”, which is a process of pursuing balance.

The second self-confidence: “Taiwan can enjoy “dignified” peace. Security and dignity do not conflict, but the premise of dignity is strength, and economic and technological strength is the best foundation for dignity.” We should not “oppose for the sake of opposition.” “Produce unnecessary internal friction. Taiwan should use its economic advantages to maintain a dignified posture, and use its negotiating power to allow Taiwan to maintain peace with dignity.

The third confidence is to transform into “the confidence of Asia’s technology island.” Guo Taiming pointed out: “Taiwan has the advantage of being needed by the world. Aren’t we also helping China, the United States and the global economy on the road to recovery? And this advantage can help Maintain our dignity.” He emphasized: “We are at a turning point in history. The DPP government deals with the military all day long. The Americans, in the name of defending Taiwan, put all the resources and strategic layout of the Taiwan government and the people on ” “War” and “defense””, however, Taiwan is already standing on the threshold of a technological island, and should use its deep foundation in the field of science and technology to transform into an Asian technological island, so that Taiwan’s needs can become the basis for a dignified peace.

Guo Taiming pointed out that he has been in the international arena for many years: “I have never felt that Taiwan is powerless and must be manipulated by major powers.” Taiwan can use its solid technological and economic strength as a bargaining chip for cooperation and negotiation. It should be used well instead of step by step. The risk of Taiwan stepping into war. Guo Taiming emphasized that under his leadership, the Republic of China can create a different future, and the three confident strategies can make Taiwan a “technology island” in the world, with “dignity” and “safety”.

Guo Taiming used the theme of “War and Peace” to think that Taiwan must maintain peace, and proposed that Taiwan should have “three self-confidence” strategies.Figure: Reposted from Guo Taiming’s Facebook

Guo Taiming’s first “Guo Taiming has something to tell you” going to the countryside briefing attracted more than 300 people to participate.Figure: Reposted from Guo Taiming’s Facebook

Guo Taiming strives to run for the presidency and embarks on a trip to appeal for benefits across Taiwan. Tonight (22) he will hold the first “Taiming Guo has something to tell you” going to the countryside briefing in Zhubei.Figure: Reposted from Guo Taiming’s Facebook