GURI’S DREAM | BLOG RED : Sport Club Internacional

by time news

My eldest son at one point even ventured into field football. He tried his luck in some sieves and managed to play in some amateur teams, which at the time was what the kids had to ‘kill the desire’. Getting to the Clubs in the Capital was for few. Even the tests were difficult to obtain for those who did not have the already famous at that time, “IQ”.

My kid even played well, he had good sense for his position as goalkeeper, but he wasn’t happy in field football. He really found himself in the Salão and shortly before finishing the so-called “high school”, already fed up with so many injuries, he dropped futsal almost for good.

But in one of those sieves I met Dilmar, a smooth number 10 shirt, a barbarity, skilled, kicking with both feet. He was supposed to be a star player. Anyway, in the middle of that bunch of wooden legs that only played to stroke the ego of their own parents, a real player who looked like he was really going to avenge the ball. When I found out that he was half a nephew of Ivo, the butcher in my neighborhood, I started asking the kid every now and then at the counter at the meat shop.

Ivo, they say, had been a ball ace who didn’t go forward when he was released from Internacional, his favorite team. Dilmar pursued the same kid’s dream: wearing the shirt of the club he was passionate about. He had a guaranteed place in the two clubs in Caxias do Sul and had won a good poster on the blue side of the Capital. But either he was wearing the Colorado shirt, or he wasn’t wearing one.

Our new shirt number 9 (or 18 according to mystique) is clearly a kid who achieved the feat of not only dreaming, but living his dream. I’m talking about Luiz Adriano, obviously. It is clear that he became a winner because he has many titles under his belt and that is the objective idea of ​​his career. With our white and red mantle, he raised his most significant cup, with only a few minutes acting like a professional.

But in the field of subjectivism, which makes any kid dream of living with the ball until today, he is a winner because he reached the top of the pyramid and managed to shine. He not only wore the shirt of his favorite team, but made history wearing it. And that, I admit, is not for everyone.

Young Dilmar did not take long to face his biggest career opponent: disappointment. The Inter of that time, even if it was a mere mockery of what it had already been – with a scrapped base and without uniforms to train and play, I still didn’t want him. And Dilmar didn’t want anything other than Internacional. He dropped everything, as far as I know, and went back to help his father in the tobacco fields. He regretted it, however, when he tried again his time for football had already passed.

I haven’t changed my mind regarding Luiz Adriano’s repatriation. But, yes, I want to believe that the boy’s dream, which took the young number 18 shirt to the top of the world, has a spark that is still burning inside itself. The same will and the same desire.

And may that spark make you want to win back the shirt of your favorite team all over again.

May you live your dream once again. And make us dream and live, all over again, too.


– The President already deserves our consideration because he didn’t just go for a walk in Europe; or he left promising a designer uniform and national team coach and came back with empty hands, closed like any other kid to coach the team;

– Obviously, since they brought the Aranguiz, it would be better if he arrived at once. But if you still need to recover, perhaps doing it in Germany and arriving here at the tip of your hooves would be more logical;

– I thought the saga was about the striker. However wrapped very is to find a shirt 5;

“I’ll cheer for whoever arrives, of course. But I’ll hope more for the return of confidence from Alemão. I keep taking faith in the kid;

– Gabriel Mercado is our best defender. Defender with a capital letter;

– I said here and not long ago that of all the names of center forward speculated, Enner Valencia was the one that I liked the most. I am happy with the qualified audience of the Colorada board. And the noble friends here who insist on not abandoning me, of course.


Is it time to take a break from criticizing the direction?

Rejoice, Colorada Nation! Fate holds good things for us.


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