Gush Etzion: Terrorist shot by IDF force

by time news

Benzi Robin, Knitted News01.03.22 20:38 28 Adar A. Tishpev

Gush Etzion: Terrorist Nora p

(Photo: Gili Yaari, Flash 90)

A Palestinian terrorist was shot by the IDF in Gush Etzion.

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Earlier today, IDF observers identified two suspects who approached the Mitzpe Ari Fuld near the settlement of Migdal Oz in the Etzion Regional Brigade area. From an initial investigation of the incident, an IDF force that was rushed to the spot identified the suspects fleeing and launched a pursuit. The force then initiated a suspect arrest procedure, which included firing at the suspects. The death of one of them was later determined. The incident is being investigated.

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