Guterres, UN Secretary General: “Gaza is becoming a children’s cemetery”

by time news

2023-11-06 21:29:23

He secretary general of the United Nations, António Guterreshas once again used forceful words this Monday to describe the situation in Gaza and urge the need to declare urgently a humanitarian ceasefire. “Gaza It is becoming a children’s cemetery“, said the Portuguese, who also stated that “the nightmare in Gaza is more than a humanitarian crisis, it is a crisis of humanity”.

Guterres appeared before the press at UN headquarters on the eve of one month since the Hamas attacks in Israel and the beginning of the response with a military and siege operation. In just under nine minutes of intervention, after which has not accepted questions, has spoken of “catastrophe”. And he has assured that both “the parties to the conflict and the international community face an immediate and fundamental responsibility to stop collective suffering and dramatically expand humanitarian aid in Gaza.”

“No one is safe”

The Portuguese, whom the Israeli representatives demanded two weeks ago resign, has again denounced Hamas for the “hateful acts of terror” on October 7 and the kidnapping of hostages, for which the “unconditional and secure” release. Also for using civilians as human shields and for continuing to launch rockets “indiscriminately” against Israel. but it has focused above all on the serious situation of the Palestinians.

Specifically, Guterres has pointed out that “operations on the ground of the Israeli Defense Forces and continuous bombings are hitting civilians, hospitals, refugee camps, mosques, churches and UN facilities, including shelters,” he recalled. “Nobody is safe.”

The UN Secretary General has also once again expressed his “deep concern about clear violations of international humanitarian law” and recalled that “no party in the armed conflict” is above these laws of war.

He also recalled that in this conflict, in four weeks, 89 humanitarian workers have been killed of the organization, more than in any comparable period in history.

The war between Israel and Hamas is one month old: 11,000 dead and a humanitarian catastrophe

Funds and roadmap

Guterres has announced the launch of a appeal to raise $1.2 billion to help the 2.7 million Gazans in the Strip and the half million Palestinians in the West Bank. Although he has highlighted that some aid is entering Gaza through the Rafah crossing, he has denounced that “the trickle of aid does not cover the ocean of needs”. And he has also stressed that it is imperative that the help includes combustiblesomething that Israel is refusing.

Guterres has also marked a camino forward that, he has assured, “it is clear”, and when listing each necessary step he has emphasized it with an urgent “now”. That road passes through humanitarian ceasefire; he respect for international law humanitarian; unconditional release of hostages in Gaza; the protection of civilian hospitals, UN facilities, shelters and schools; the “rapid and at the necessary scale” entry of water, food, medicine and fuel and the unrestricted delivery of that assistance.; and the end to the use of civilians as human shields. “None of these callings should be conditional on the others. and for all of us we need more funds,” he said.

The war in Gaza puts a pause on the rapprochement between Arab countries and Israel

Guterres closed his speech by appealing to find “a way of escape from this brutal, horrible and agonizing death and destruction, end the suffering and help pave a path to peace, with a two state solution with Palestinians and Israelis living in peace and security.”

Previously, he had also pointed out with “extreme concern” the increase in violence and the expansion of the conflict in West Bank; has warned of the risks of a expansion throughout the region, pointing specifically to a “spiral of escalation in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen” and, calling for “cool heads and diplomatic efforts” and an end to “hateful rhetoric and provocative actions,” he has sounded the alarm about the increase in antisemitism and islamophobiato. “Emotions are at a fever pitch,” she recalled.

#Guterres #Secretary #General #Gaza #childrens #cemetery

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