‘Guys, now we’re excited again’

by time news

Buenos Aires, Argentina)Argentina is celebrating. Millions of people across the country came out yesterday to celebrate the expected victory. After a hard-fought World Cup and a heart-breaking final, the fans felt that, quite simply, it was fair that Leo Messi lifted the World Cup. The euphoria exploded in the streets of Buenos Aires in the fourth penalty and lasted throughout the morning at the Obelisco. Today, Monday, the emotional hangover will be huge, and the celebration will continue for hours in the capital and the provinces, impatient to receive the team this afternoon.

During the match, Mbappé’s second goal was the first moment in which the spirits of a fan who already saw himself as a winner fell. The cries broke out in the 90th minute, under the midday sun, in a silence that was occasionally broken by a group struggling to keep up the energy with the Guys, now we got excited again. If the Argentinian fans have one thing, it’s that they never give up. Penalties were played with suffocating tension, some with their backs to the screens. Dibu’s saves made him the second hero of the day, and Montiel’s final shot sent the streets into a frenzy. And the jumps, the hugs, the kisses and the dances began, culminating in a union that everyone experiences first hand and that no one wants to miss.

Celebration of Messi’s first goal since Buenos Aires.

The parade to the Obelisk was immediate. The avenues that lead to it became real floods albicelestes of people of all ages, genders and backgrounds. Grills began to appear in the street to prepare the traditional ones Milanese (breaded meat): it was a quarter to four and no one had eaten for fear of indigestion. The few cars that managed to drive sounded their horns and passengers waved national flags from their windows. Arriving at the monument where football victories are celebrated, the facade of the Teatro Colón wore a giant jersey of the national team that read “We are world champions“. Underground, al subway (metro), the carriages were shaking with impatience to get to the big party. It only mattered that Argentina is world champion.

The dream vacation

Argentinians start the summer with immense joy. The boys and girls start their school holidays today. They have hours and hours of soccer games ahead of them with friends in parks across the country. They all play in the same shirt: Leo Messi’s number 10, but the one they dream of sharing the field with one day is Julián Álvarez, just as he dreamed of with the ex-Blaugrana. Messi is already eternal for the Argentines: they have overcome the coldness they had felt for him to make him completely their own. Completely Argentinian. All together, with the blessing of Maradona, who has been present throughout the World Cup, and in the final it was celebrated, once again, looking to the sky. Inflation, currency devaluation, unemployment and political corruption will continue, but for a few days Argentina will live the joy of being the best and being eternal.

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