Gym routines for beginners: exercises to do at home from Monday to Friday

by time news

Do exercise to show off a ‘great body’ without the help of shapewear girdles requires perseverance and a lot of discipline, work your body and challenge him to give more to increase the muscular time. if you have never done exercise and you don’t know where to start, apply yourself with this gym routine for beginners: exercises to do at home from Monday to Friday.

Train at the gym It is ideal if you want to see faster results because there you can carry more weight, tone the body and increase muscle mass by the hand of a coach guide you to do well exercises. However, many people prefer exercise at home, either due to lack of time or in what condition they grab and it’s fine, the important thing is that you start doing something.

What are the benefits of exercising if I am a beginner?

Exercising not only helps lose weight, tone or increase muscle mass. According to the United States National Library of Medicine, we reduce the risk of developing obesity, heart disease, hypertension, stroke, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, and even certain types of cancer.

Gym routines for beginners: exercises to do at home from Monday to Friday / Photo: iStock

The first thing you should know is that the exercise routines must be customized by a coach to adapt it to your needs, limitations and objectives. In addition, he will be in charge of guiding you so that you can properly carry out the motionin this way, you will avoid injuries that involve mobility problems.

What is the ideal routine for the gym?

there is not one perfect routine for the gym as such, remember that all exercise routines will depend on your objectives, but also on your fitness level. A complete training requires the following:

  • Warm-up: 5 to 10 minutes to increase the heart ratein this way, prepare the body for your work out.
  • routine of strength exercise: in a gym routine for beginnersyou will work several muscles depending on whether it is your turn upper or lower train. You will perform three to four sets with eight to twelve repetitions of each exercise.
  • Cardio Training: Once you finish your gym routine for beginnersit is advisable to do a little cardiovascular exerciseFor example, use the treadmill or bike for about 15 to 20 minutes, the goal is to increase your physical conditionbut if you don’t have much time, you can skip it.
  • Stretching: you can’t skip them, the stretching exercises are necessary for reduce muscle tensionimprove flexibility and avoid injuries.

Gym routines for beginners: exercises to do at home from Monday to Friday / Photo: iStock

If you still do not dare to go to the gym, but you want to start training your muscles to gain condition, this gym routine for beginners It is designed for those people who want to see a change in their silhouette starting with the basics, perhaps the exercises They look simple, but believe me they will challenge you in every circuit. To give it with all!

Gym routine for beginners for a week

Begin to warm up your muscles Performing the following circuit three times, you finish all the exercises in a row and repeat two more times.

Circle with arms for (30 seconds)
Lat stretch (30 seconds)
Inverted Band Flys (25 reps)
Bear walk (30 seconds), you just have to get on all fours, rest your knees and hands on the floor to perform a simple movement: imitate the walk of a bear for 30 seconds and that’s it.

Gym routines for beginners: exercises to do at home from Monday to Friday / Photo: iStock

Before starting this gym routine for beginnersyou should know that you will need material to develop resistance on your muscles, elastic bands are necessary to work glutes and legson the other hand, get some dumbbells or kettlebell of three kilos to increase your strength, if you do not have weights, do not worry, you can start with bags of rice or bottles with water.

Now yes, to work for that great body!

Monday: training for legs and buttocks

Side walk: place your resistance band above your knees, slightly bend your knees as if you were going to perform a squat, stick out your glutes and walk from side to side, taking a left lateral step, returning to the starting point and taking another lateral step to the right. Perform three to four sets of 30 repetitions.

Gym routines for beginners: exercises to do at home from Monday to Friday / Photo: iStock

Squat: now you will need a kettlebell or an object that does not weigh more than three kilos. place your resistance band above the knees, open the legs to the height of the shoulders, stand straight with the weight at the height of your chest, go down as if performing a squat and stay down (at the height of your knees) for three seconds. Perform three to four sets of 15 repetitions.

Gym routines for beginners: exercises to do at home from Monday to Friday / Photo: iStock

Glute bridge: place a mat on the floor, lie down on it with your back straight on it. Place your band above the knees, the balls of your feet should be slightly open. Place the weight on your pelvis and push up and hold there for three seconds, squeezing your glutes each time you go up, slowly lower. Open your legs slightly each time you come up to add endurance. Perform three to four sets of 15 repetitions.

Gym routines for beginners: exercises to do at home from Monday to Friday / Photo: iStock

Seated hip abduction on the floor: you can keep the mat on the floor, sit on it, keep your back straight. Place the resistance band above the knees, open and close the legs. Perform three to four sets of 50 repetitions.

Tuesday: training for arms, abdomen and shoulders

Plank (iron):

Step 1. Place a mat on the floor, now put a mirror in front of it so you can observe your movements. Support your elbows as well as your forearms on the mat, then align your elbows with your shoulders to form a straight line, like a table. Connect your toes with the floor, squeeze your glutes and align your head with your back. squeeze hard the abdomen and breathe easy. The challenge is to hold the position for one minute.

Gym routines for beginners: exercises to do at home from Monday to Friday / Photo: iStock

Shoulder press: Stand up straight, take two dumbbells one kilo each (to start with), raise your dumbbells at shoulder height, the palms of your hands should be closed, facing forward. Slowly raise the weight above your head and lower to the height of your shoulders again. Perform three to four sets of 12 repetitions.

Gym routines for beginners: exercises to do at home from Monday to Friday / Photo: iStock

Abs crunches: Place a mat on the floor, your back should be well supported on it. Go up as if you were going to perform a abdominal, contract abdomen. Inhale when you are on the floor and exhale each time you raise your body. Perform three to four sets with 20 repetitions each.

Gym routines for beginners: exercises to do at home from Monday to Friday / Photo: iStock

Lizards: Position your body as if you were going to perform a plank, your arms should be open at a 45° angle, lower slowly, if you still don’t have enough strength, you can lower the knees to the floor and continue until completing the exercise. Perform three to four sets with 12 repetitions.

Gym routines for beginners: exercises to do at home from Monday to Friday / Photo: iStock

Wednesday rest

Thursday: training for legs and buttocks

Static lunge: Stand up, open your legs at hip height, your arms They should be on both sides of the body. Take a long step forward with your right leg, flex both knees until they’re at a 90° angle, add two-pound dumbbells to each hand, lower, and return to starting position. He repeats on the other side, alternating one leg with the other. Perform three to four sets with 15 repetitions.

Gym routines for beginners: exercises to do at home from Monday to Friday / Photo: iStock

Curtsey lunge con squat: Stand up straight, open the legs at the height of your shoulders. Carry a three kilo dumbbell, pass one leg behind the other as if you were going to take a step, lower as if you were going to perform a squat. Keep the shin of your right front leg and return to the starting position, repeat alternating one leg with the other. Perform three to four sets with 10 repetitions.

Gym routines for beginners: exercises to do at home from Monday to Friday / Photo: iStock

Hip thrust: Place a bench or chair against a wall to prevent it from moving. Place your middle back on the seat, keep your shoulders well supported on the backrest. flex your knees so that when you raise your hips they form a 90° angle, make sure your feet stay hip-width apart.

place a weight above the hip at the height of the pubis. Extend your hips up so that your body forms a straight line, making sure your core muscles are engaged to protect your lower back. Squeeze your abdomen and buttocks while you raise your hips, you will feel the work in your thighs and buttocks. Perform three to four sets of 12 repetitions.

Gym routines for beginners: exercises to do at home from Monday to Friday / Photo: iStock

90° leg lift: Place a mat on the floor, use a resistance band above your knees. Your elbows should be resting on the mat, lift one leg up to a 90° angle and lower. Perform 10 movements on one side and 10 on the other. Do three to four sets.

Friday: training for arms, abdomen and shoulders

Hollow hold: Place a mat on the ground, lie on it. open the legs at hip height, raise your arms above your head. Raise your legs and stay in this position for 60 seconds.

Gym routines for beginners: exercises to do at home from Monday to Friday / Photo: iStock

Plank jacks: get into a plank position ironOpen and close your legs. Perform three to four sets with 20 repetitions each.

Gym routines for beginners: exercises to do at home from Monday to Friday / Photo: iStock

Rowing: Open your legs to the height of the hip, bend your knees slightly. Lean your back forward, push your buttocks out and raise your arms behind you as if you were rowing, use dumbbells of a kilo. Perform three to four sets with 20 repetitions.

Gym routines for beginners: exercises to do at home from Monday to Friday / Photo: iStock

Jump rope: jump rope for 40 seconds, if you don’t have one at home, you can simulate the movement. The goal is to raise your heart rate.

What to do in the gym every day?

The exercises you should do in the gym every day They should not be the same if you want to see results, therefore, it is important to train different muscle groups such as glutes, calves and legs on Monday and Thursday, chest, shoulders, arm and back on Tuesday and Friday.

Now that you have a gym routine for beginners for the whole week, go ahead and do it at home, in less than you realize you will notice a change in your silhouette.

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If you are interested in knowing what other exercises you can incorporate into your routine, stay and watch the following video.

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