Gymnastics and medals, a possible combination: the vademecum-

by time news

2023-05-04 14:08:21

Of Health editorial

The Bicocca University of Milan is developing it together with the Observatory and Panathlon to help recognize and prevent discomfort in very young female athletes

A prepubertal agonist must have the same diet as his peers with some precautions regarding caloric intake, which must be higher, and the quantity of water. But be careful not to demonize carbohydrates by excessively rewarding proteins and, above all, supplements only under strict medical supervision. These are just some of the indications that emerged from the conference Gymnastics: medals and health must coexist organized by the Metropolitan Observatory and Panathlon Milano together with the University of Milan Bicocca during which university professors, doctors, psychologists of the developmental age, nutritionists, parents of young athletes with the aim of collecting concrete indications for families and operators. The result will be a Multimedia handbook in 10 points to help families, coaches and all those who are part of the children’s life in various ways, to recognize the discomfort and prevent it.

Gymnastics is one of the sports with the youngest agonists ever, adolescents or even pre-adolescents, with all the risks that this entails. So many indications emerged that will make up the decalogue: listening to the needs of young and very young athletes, giving coaches basic psychological tools to prevent and be able to grasp discomfort, involving families in the management of competitive adolescents, especially in reference to nutrition that must look at physical but also psychological well-being in a particularly critical phase of life. The conference was attended by the undersecretary for Sport Lara Magoni, Lucia Visconti Parisio, delegate to Sport della Bicocca, the president of the Observatory, Camillo De Milato, that of Panathlon Milano, Filippo Grassia, who moderated the meeting, Diana De Marchi, councilor municipality and Carla De Albertis, cultural and social manager of the Observatory, who explained the objective of the conference. A proactive meeting to build together a useful tool for families – she said – Gymnastics is a wonderful sport, but the age of the athletes, even pre-adolescents, requires particular caution. We are talking about girls in physical and psychological growth, often subjected to pressure and severe stress. Italy has given us many medals, with this conference we want to make a contribution so that they are medals of success and health.

Antonio Robecchi Majnardi, Director of the Physical and Rehabilitative Medicine Unit – Auxologico Mos Bianchi insisted on correct training in the developmental age, emphasizing how it should be challenging but not stressful and how the emphasis should be placed on the global training of the body in growth bands. In terms of mental well-being, the importance of making young men and women speak and listen, as well as theimportance of the psychological training of operators.

Patrizia Steca, from the Department of Psychology of the Bicocca University, underlined how the high dropout rates from sport among boys is due to excessive pressure and is to be avoided with greater attention to avoiding stress. Elisabetta Biffi, pedagogist of the Bicocca Training Department, emphasized the issue of children’s rights in sport, recalling that they are everyone’s responsibility, from coaches to associations, federations and families. Francesca Maisano, clinical psychologist-psychotherapist ASST Fatebenefratelli Sacco, brought attention to a concrete case, that of a sixteen-year-old girl who returned to health to train after a long period of severe eating disorder which led her to the threshold of hospitalization hospital. Maisano recalled that, according to recent studies, many adolescents have anxiety disorders, even with suicidal thoughts, and she has made an appeal for adults, operators and non-operators, to listen.

One of the strong themes emerged that of connection of gymnastics with weight that can become an obsession and disturbance. Annalisa Terenzio, nutritionist, spoke about it, who insisted on the concept of global well-being when it comes to teenagers at the table (even a pizza, occasionally, can contribute to psychological well-being). There was also a reference to the cases of discomfort of the rhythmic athletes who made the headlines with the president of the Italian Gymnastics Federation Gherardo Tecchi who recalled how the Federation immediately undertook adequate training projects for the coaches. The conference was closed by the testimony of Jenny Santi who brought her experience as the mother of a young rhythmic athlete and made an appeal for the collaboration of operators and institutions to support families.

May 4, 2023 (change May 4, 2023 | 2:23 pm)

#Gymnastics #medals #combination #vademecum

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