György Bakondi: the Hungarian government cannot do anything but say no to migrant ghettos

by time news

2023-07-15 09:13:45

In the article published in the Saturday issue, György Bakondi stated that “the Hungarian government cannot do anything but say no to migrant ghettos”, which “Brussels wants to impose on us”.

György Bakondi, the prime minister’s chief adviser on internal security, at a press conference entitled “The current situation of migration and asylum in Hungary in 2023” in the press room of the Prime Minister’s Cabinet on February 17, 2023
Photo: Koszticsák Szilárd / Source: MTI

He believed that if the migrant quota system were to come into effect, everyone would have to be allowed into the country, and the entire border control system would lose its meaning.

The chief adviser put it this way:

based on mandatory quotas, Brussels wants to distribute the mass of illegal immigrants among the EU member states, which would force nation states to create “migrant ghettos”, but the Hungarian government firmly rejects this in order to guarantee security.

He recalled: the president of the European Commission and the leader of the People’s Party faction recently stated that the borders must be guarded, and even the construction of the fence must be financed. It was later revealed that “they only made a political statement, presumably to appease the increasingly angry European population”.

Not long after their revelation, the idea of ​​a migration pact appeared, in which there is no longer any mention of guarding the external borders, but instead the mandatory quota appeared again, which “of course the Hungarian left-wing parties denied and classified as fiction”.

György Bakondi highlighted:

the draft of the migration pact was not submitted to the European Council, not to the heads of state and government, but to the Council of Ministers of the Interior.

They were distributed twenty minutes before the start, and a decision that fundamentally influences the future of Europe in the long term was adopted lightning fast, with a majority vote. Of course, Hungary and Poland voted against it, and four countries abstained

he emphasized.

He said that it is possible to talk about legal immigration if people arrive with valid travel documents.

Or the people concerned apply for asylum before they approach the border and legally cross the border with a decision on political asylum

– explained the Hungarian position.

Police officers patrol at the temporary security border barrier on the Hungarian-Serbian border near Ásotthalom on September 1, 2021.
Photo: Szabolcs Vadnai / Source: MTI/Minister’s Cabinet Office

However, during the consultation between the European Commission and the European Parliament, it became clear that they do not consider the Hungarian position to be the legalization of migration. They believe that if illegal immigrants organized by people smugglers set off on a ship, search and rescue activities should be carried out, and then legalize the migrants’ arrival in Europe immediately.

According to the chief adviser, as a result of Brussels’ migration plans, up to 30 million people in Africa may think that this is a great opportunity to leave for Europe.

Legalization in Brussels immeasurably threatens public safety and the social welfare system

he stated.

#György #Bakondi #Hungarian #government #migrant #ghettos

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