Had chicken pox as a child? An insidious disease may occur

by times news cr

2024-07-25 14:16:05

What is this infection?

Shingles is a viral infection caused by the Herpes zoster virus, the same virus that causes the well-known chicken pox virus. The pharmacist explains that after a person gets chickenpox, the virus remains in the body, but in a latent state, so even years later, when the immune system weakens, the virus can reactivate and cause shingles.

“Usually the first symptom of shingles is severe pain, burning or tingling in the area where the rash will later appear. Within a few days of the onset of the pain, a pink rash appears, which quickly turns into fluid-filled, itchy, and extremely tender blisters.

The latter usually appear on one side of the body and usually surround a certain area, such as the chest, abdomen, face, back. In addition to the rash, some people may experience fever, headache, fatigue and general malaise. When the blisters disappear, the pain can remain for weeks, months or even years”, says J. Aganauskaitė-Žukaitė.

The pharmacist points out that although we will not get infected with shingles as quickly as its predecessor, chicken pox, but without the latter infection and lack of vaccination, a person can become infected with chicken pox through direct contact with shingles blisters. In this case, after contracting chickenpox, the infected person also faces the threat of shingles in the future. J. Aganauskaitė-Žukaitė says that in order to reduce the risk of shingles, it is recommended to vaccinate both against chicken pox for children and against shingles for the elderly.

Possible risks

“If a person has not been vaccinated, it is necessary to start treating shingles that has developed in time, because the antiviral drugs acyclovir or valacyclovir prescribed for its treatment are most effective if they are started at an early stage of infection. They can also help reduce the severity of symptoms and the risk of complications.

It is very important to know the risks of complications that come with this disease, especially for the elderly or those with a weak immune system, because shingles can be really dangerous.

Shingles can cause the aforementioned postherpetic neuralgia, a long-lasting, severe pain in the area where the rash was that continues even after the blisters have cleared. Ophthalmic shingles can also develop – an infection that affects the eyes and can cause inflammation of the cornea, glaucoma, vision loss or eye movement disorders,” explains J. Aganauskaitė-Žukaitė.

She adds that neurological complications are also possible – the virus can affect the central nervous system, cause inflammation of the brain called encephalitis, meningitis or myelitis – inflammation of the spinal cord. If the virus affects the liver and brain, the patient may develop hepatoencephalopathy, a rare but very serious complication. Moreover, if the virus damages the lungs and other internal organs, it is possible to get pneumonia, hepatitis or other serious diseases, which in some cases end tragically.

What can help prevent?

The pharmacist explains that the best and most effective prevention of shingles is the shingles vaccine, which is usually recommended for people over 50 and those with weakened immune systems. Since this is a non-required vaccination, J. Aganauskaitė-Žukaitė reminds that persons who have not had chickenpox or are not vaccinated against chickenpox should avoid contact with those who have a recent infection or shingles, as the virus can be transmitted very quickly.

“Those who want to avoid the risks should also follow a healthy lifestyle, including a healthy diet, regular physical activity, adequate sleep and stress management to keep the immune system strong.” Unfortunately, living in a fast-paced everyday life, not everyone and not always manages to carefully put together the appropriate regime, so there is no lack of stress, poor nutrition or laziness in the life of a common person. In this case, it would be worthwhile to use food supplements to strengthen immunity.

For general strengthening of the body, I would recommend taking vitamins C and D, zinc and omega-3 fatty acids. Vitamin C is known as a powerful antioxidant that reduces the risk of heart disease, helps cells repair faster and fights viruses.

Vitamin D can increase physical endurance, help prevent chronic diseases, strengthen bones and the nervous system. Zinc is known as an element that reduces inflammatory processes, protects heart activity, and helps to heal various injuries faster. Well, omega-3 fatty acids can also reduce inflammation in the body, improve brain, nervous system and heart functions,” adds the pharmacist.

2024-07-25 14:16:05

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