Hadas Klein in additional testimony: Another piece of jewelry was purchased for Sarah

by time news

Hadas Klein in her testimony today (Photo: Yonatan Zindel / Flash 90)

This morning (Monday) came Hadas Klein, the personal assistant of Arnon Milchen and James Packer to testify once again in the 1,000 case. The gift case against the Netanyahu couple in which Netanyahu is accused of fraud and breach of trust.

Klein is a key and important witness in the case, testifying twice last week and today continuing her testimony.

Sarah’s earrings

At the beginning of the testimony today, the prosecutor, Adv. Alon Gildin, asked the State Attorney’s Office for Taxation and Economics to tell about the event of the purchase of the jewelry to the wife of Prime Minister Sarah Netanyahu. Prosecutor Adv. Alon Gildin addresses Klein: “We talked about gifts given by Milchen, cigars and champagne. You told me about a piece of jewelry. Was there a case of additional jewelry given by Mr. Milchen? “Klein replied:” Mr. Milchen was given around 2011 from Studio Berman in Moshav Hayogev in the Jezreel Valley earrings designed at Mrs. Netanyahu’s request. It was designed and handled by Netanyahu’s daughter. “

Hadas Klein in her testimony today (Photo: Yonatan Zindel / Flash 90)

“Arnon tells me ‘Eleanor will take care of the design and order of the jewel.’ He trusts her and he asked her,” Klein said, adding: “Eleanor finds a studio and she explains to them and guides them. According to what she tells me, this is an earring without holes. We correspond with the studio, there are sketches that Jonathan travels to take. He receives an instruction from me and that’s it.” Regarding the cost of the earrings, one of the emails presented at the discussion stated that this was an offer of around NIS 8,500 “not a final price”. In the end, the earrings were purchased for NIS 12.5 thousand before VAT.

Sealing the pool at the Netanyahu family home

Prosecutor Advocate Gildin asked McClain Refer to a person named Gal Geffen, Who was a gardener at Milchen and later became the head of the household and an independent building inspector. Klein: “Arnon highly recommended him to Packer when we built his house in Caesarea. He is the brother-in-law of the driver Yonatan Hasson, a construction supervisor at a very high level. He took on Packer’s project, Sarah Netanyahu knew him that way.”

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Klein explains: “There was a problem sealing a pool at Netanyahu’s house. She asked him to come. He picked up the phone every time she asked if it was okay. He was paid by Packer and Milchen, and he felt obligated to ask if it was okay to come to Mrs. Netanyahu to give advice.” Advocate Amit Haddad objected, arguing that the issue did not appear in the indictment, but the judges allowed the testimony to continue on the issue.

“Sarah asked Magal Geffen to submit a bid for sealing the pool. He submitted a high bid, NIS 120,000. She explained to me that according to the terms of the tender in the Prime Minister’s Office, up to NIS 100,000 is not a tender,” Klein said and interrupted her. Netanyahu’s defense attorney, Adv. Amit Hadad, but the judges allowed the witness to continue her remarks that came up in the completion of an investigation after the indictment was filed.

Sarah Netanyahu’s shouting conversation

“When I left the meeting with Sarah, she asked me for all sorts of things to lower the height of Gal Geffen’s offer. She grabbed my hand and asked, ‘Did you bring champagne?’ Netanyahu the next day and tells him that the request is illegitimate “Klein continues to testify and submits: “I did meet with Netanyahu the next day, Monday. I spoke to him in person, I told him Tony Blair asked for a meeting, if you can talk to him for a few minutes and Sarah will not be. He said ‘fine’. I arrived, Tony Blair and Molcho were there. Netanyahu told me Sit on the patio for a few minutes. “

Sarah Netanyahu, Archive (Photo: Yonatan Zindel / Flash 90)

Klein says she got into a conversation with Netanyahu: “I told him and then he put a strong hand on the table and said ‘it will not happen, forget about it’. He asked if I had brought cigars and I said no. Netanyahu asked if I was safe. “Jonathan, but I’m sure not. On Friday I received a cell phone call with Sarah Netanyahu’s shouts why I told her husband and that I would come to Caesarea to meet her at noon.”

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Klein explained to Judge Bar-Am: “The Honorable Judge asked me about discretion. When they would open the box and ask ‘Who is it for?’ “We did not always say. I did not feel comfortable and Arnon was not comfortable writing in the email that it was for Mrs. Netanyahu, it really is not.” Klein added: “In early November 2011 we finished building Milchen’s house in Beit Yanai, and Sarah asked us to give her a birthday there. It was a Friday in my opinion. On Thursday we got organized with chefs, the Netanyahu couple invited friends and we had a meal for Friday lunch, but unfortunately “There was a terrible lightning strike and all the electrical systems stopped. Arnon was stressed because he knew they had to host the couple. We organized lunch, Sarah was happy.”

Gucci and Chanel bags for Sarah

Klein was asked to comment on the purchase of luxury bags for Sarah, which cost about $ 2,000 to $ 3,000. Prosecutor Gildin asked, “Can you tell the court if there were any purchases of cases?” Advocate Amit Haddad, Netanyahu’s defense attorney, objected: “This is a guiding question.” The judges allowed Klein to answer. “We bought Gucci and Chanel bags, brought them in person to Sarah. “There was one case in which we were not aware that customs duties had to be paid there. I was left to pay customs duties on the files.”

Arc-network merging

Advocate Gildin went on to ask witness Klein about issues that, according to the indictment, former Prime Minister Netanyahu promoted in favor of Milchen. “What do you know about a possible acquisition of a network company?” Klein replied: “I do not know this in essence. Shlomo Pilber came to our house in Yanai for a meeting with Udi Angel and Zeev Feldman. He came to Beit Yanai twice. The meeting dealt with the issue of Keshet-Reshet merger, Arnon asked to examine this issue. “

“Milchen told me it interested him and as always he turned to Mr. Netanyahu about it. I know they talked so Feldman told me that Pilber was in his office as well. We arranged dinner with the Netanyahu couple and Pilber. Pilber did not want to enter the house, and said that until Netanyahu “He did not come in. He will not come in. We were very well entertained. Arnon was very excited and wanted to be the most beautiful there is,” Klein testified, adding: “He stayed with the barbecue to eat. We took Packer to Netanyahu’s house to say hello. Packer was not in good condition. Pilber waited outside in his car for two hours on the cliff of Beit Yanai.” The merger between Keshet and the network did not materialize in the end, but it was claimed that an inquiry was made for Milchen as to what the possibilities were.

The Klein witness referred to former Mossad chief Yossi Cohen. She said, “Yossi Cohen was destined to be the CEO of one of the ministries and he wanted to be the head of the National Security Council. Arnon promised him that he would talk to Netanyahu about his appointment. On Friday I receive a call from Arnon: ‘Talk to Yossi, tell Yossi what Sarah says.’ “Arnon said that he spoke with Mr. Netanyahu, with the Netanyahu couple, and it was agreed. Netanyahu told Arnon, ‘You did a bad thing to the State of Israel.’ Arnon was frightened.”

Klein later said that the Netanyahu couple wanted to arrange work for a man named Roman. This is according to the claim In a friend of Yair NetanyahuHowever, this issue is not mentioned in the indictment. “Sarah and Netanyahu personally wanted to hire a man named Roman, and he was employed by the company on behalf of Packer,” Klein said. I was present at home in Caesarea talking about it and his salary. Summarize if I’m not mistaken NIS 30,000 salary. “James gave permission and we moved on.”

Advocate Gildin: “It has been argued that your testimony today is as a result of police pressure or that you have other interests. Would you like to comment? “, Klein replied:”I was not pressured. On the contrary, I say again, I went against all my interests, but for me a law is a law and I was called to testify. I did my best to be accurate, I handed over the binders. “

After three days of giving testimony, today (Monday) Hadas Klein’s main testimony ended. The cross-examination of the witness will begin tomorrow with Netanyahu’s defense attorney, Adv. Amit Hadad, and Benjamin Netanyahu will also be present at the cross-examination.

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