Haddad goes back on going back and ensures that there are no guarantees – News

by time news

2023-04-21 22:17:00

Malddad’s business is, one way or another, taxing the people. Especially because someone is going to have to pay for the hole that the PT — that party that “loves the poor” — is already causing to the public coffers.

Inventing a tax might even seem like an easy task for any other government, but not for the “love won” people. After all, it takes an absurd effort to convince the population that only bad businessmen are going to get hurt, while the consumer won’t even notice. Malddad assured that the fees will not be passed on to the consumer, but also admitted that he cannot guarantee that this will not happen. He has no idea that duties and taxes are part of any product pricing. Anyway, it was not for nothing that he said that he studied economics for only two months…

Sometimes that old tactic of using an English expression to look like you know what you’re talking about — when you clearly don’t have the slightest idea — can work. To try to give that “enrolation” to the staff, the minister went back and said that he will no longer tax Shein, but that there will only be a “digital tax” for purchases up to 50 dollars.

For the mimiminister who only knows Amazon and said he has never heard of Shein, “each undue tax waiver is one more person going hungry, it is a person without day care, it is a person without a doctor, it is a person without medicine at the health center. health” etc. etc. etc.

Faced with such a beautiful speech by the loving minister, I just keep thinking about how many people will be hungry, without day care, without a doctor and without medicine because of the stratospheric expenses of Lulo and Janja Esbanja (who, by the way, spent the day in Lisbon doing little shopping in luxury stores).

So, take advantage of the weekend to relax, because on Monday everyone will have to work hard to pay for the ostentatious couple’s good life. Pai Lulo and his cronies expect you to understand that they deserve to live like kings and that you are content to remain nothing at all…

#Haddad #ensures #guarantees #News

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