“Haemophilic patient is not considered incurable”

by time news

The haemophilic patient must no longer be considered incurable, because there are promising glimmers as new therapies for the treatment of the individual patient and also because in the next few years it will be possible to heal with gene therapy “. Sergio Siragusa, hematologist and director of the UOC of Hematology of the ‘Giaccone’ Polyclinic in Palermo, spoke during the online meeting on the occasion of the sixth stage, in Palermo, of the ‘Articoliamo’ tour, a campaign supported by Sobi with the patronage of FedEmo and created to promote joint well-being in people with haemophilia, a rare coagulation disease that has arthropathy among the most frequent complications.

The stage of the campaign in the Sicilian capital, today 17 April, also coincides with the world day of haemophilia. “It must be said that gene therapy will not be a possible goal for all patients – specified Siragusa – however haemophilia is one of the first genetic diseases for which we see the light at the end of the tunnel, and if on the one hand patients and families can lighten the psychological burden of the disease, we doctors must be relieved that it will be easier to cure it “.

The success of ‘We articulate‘is the result of training sessions with the most important haemophilia specialists, a site full of clear and useful information in everyday life and the promotion of joint well-being thanks to new services for patients. In addition, the possibility of screening the joints thanks to portable ultrasound scanners that have arrived in many Italian haemophilia centers, including the Hematology Unit of the Giaccone Polyclinic in Palermo.

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