Haifa: Back from shopping – and attacked by wild boars

by time news
Business owner, let the staff of “Haifa and the Krayot News” expose you to a million residents

Edna Engel, a resident of Haifa in her 60s, was attacked by two large wild boars while returning to her home with grocery bags, according to a Ynet correspondent, Lior al-Hai. “The pain in my leg decreased today, but the panic did not,” she said. “I had nightmares at night. I woke up a few times in a panic. It scared me a lot. I thought I was going to die. My life has become a nightmare, but I’m not going to give up.”

“I came home with products I bought,” Edna described to Ynet what happened. “I parked the car and went out with two bags to the yard, and then I saw a phenomenon that I do know and that is not new to me – but this time it was horrible. I saw 15 newborn puppies, and next to them a mother and two other large pigs. “Threatening. I got scared, decided not to enter the yard and started walking back to the car and putting things there.”

But then, according to the Vint publication, the wild boars began to chase after her. She increased speed in an attempt to dodge them, but the pigs followed her. “Maybe the female recognized the bags with the food. I felt them behind me, I heard them smelling loudly,” she repeated. “I started running with all my might, as much as I had strength because the bags were heavy, and they were running after me. Suddenly my ankle twisted and I screamed in pain. One of the pigs snatched the bag from one of my hands and everything scattered on the road. A second pig surrounded me and tried to snatch the other bag. They actually made battle noises. “

“I felt like I was going to have a heart attack from running and panic,” she continued. “I started screaming ‘Save, save’. A nearby cafe manager heard me and ran towards me. She too was frightened because she saw that the pigs did not run away and were determined to try to get the other bag out, and they were aggressive. They attacked me, and I am not a young woman. I entered the house. “The coffee with her and I felt on the verge of a heart attack. She calmed me down, I was very upset.”

The Vint website publishes additional testimonies from eyewitnesses to the incident.

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