“Hair Loss: How Diet Affects Your Hair Health – The Link Between Sugar, Alcohol, and Hair Loss Revealed in China Study – Tips on Nutrition, Foods, and Antioxidants to Counteract Hair Loss and Promote Healthy Hair Growth”

by time news

2023-04-30 06:02:12

Are you suffering from hair loss? The fullness of the head of hair depends on a good supply of nutrients. Cell toxins affect the health of hair follicles and can literally wipe them out.

The wrong diet can cause hair loss

Nutrition can be a ‘hairy affair’ in two senses. In a nutshell: Above all Zucker and Alcohol are an extremely unfavorable combination if you Hair lust want to avoid. Known knowledge and new ones Study results from China confirm that. There are different assumptions about ‘why’ and ‘how’.

Above all, high-sugar soft drinks are the focus of attention as hair killers. Sounds a little sensational, but it’s entirely possible. One Data collection from China revealed in 2022 that people who habitually and in larger quantities consumed sweet sodas and the like were affected by hair loss much more often than those who showed more restraint with these drinks. The cause could be the extreme sugar rush when consuming high-sugar soft drinks. The blood glucose level then shoots up unhealthily. A permanent and frequent increased blood sugar can lead to unfavorable reactions in the body cells including the hair roots.


Physicians speak of a so-called glycation of proteins, which can cause an early loss of function in cells and tissues and thus causes earlier aging. Already observed a long time ago scientist a connection between premature hair loss and the risk of Diabetes Mellitus.

Limiting hair loss: sugar and alcohol as culprits

If you want to prevent premature hair loss, you should reduce sugar in food and drinks as much as possible. Sugar is not only found in sweets and sweet drinks. Many finished and convenience foods contain more sweetness than is often assumed. By looking at the nutritional values, check whether you are eating salad dressings, ketchup and sugared Dairy products better to give up.

The consumption of alcohol is no less critical among dermatologists. A glass of wine, beer, schnapps or a cocktail from time to time is definitely allowed. But too frequent or heavy alcohol consumption can have a negative effect on the density of the scalp hair, also show Observations on twins.

What might be behind the negative effects of alcohol? The supply of important nutrients for a healthy head of hair is impaired by alcohol consumption. In addition, alcohol is a cytotoxin and therefore affects the hair formation cycle.

These shampoos counteract hair loss

Foods for hair loss

Shaggy and light hair? It’s the same for us humans as it is for animals: When it comes to a beautiful head of hair, a good supply of nutrients is a safe bet. In addition, the supply of so-called antioxidants can play a role. Because they can help to protect sensitive hair follicles from aggressive oxygen radicals and thus from damage.

Basically, healthy hair growth requires a good supply of nutrients such as protein, zinc, iron, selenium, silicon as well as the skin and hair vitamin biotin and B vitamins. A well-stocked menu can definitely help early to reduce hair loss.

Foods like these support a full and shiny head of hair:

  • Owner
  • Dairy products)
  • Wholegrain cereals (oats, spelt, rye, barley, brown rice)
  • Legumes (lentils, beans, chickpeas)
  • Nuts (almond, walnut, brazil nut, peanut)
  • Seeds and kernels (linseed, sunflower seeds, hemp seed)
  • Fresh groceries, e.g. B. bananas, avocado and spinach

To meet the nutritional needs that counteract your hair loss, you can go to tablets fall back on, which contain a nutrient combination. With an extra Skin and hair vitamin you are well prepared.

Antioxidants protect cells from oxidation damage, which in turn can impair the healthy functioning of the body’s cells or cause the cells – including hair follicles – to die off completely. Generally put a lot antioxidants in fresh vegetables and colorful fruits. Plan your food to be varied, fresh and colorful – this can already be a decisive advantage for your hair health.

A promising insider tip is the antioxidant substance sulforaphane, which is found in large quantities in Broccoli and broccoli sprouts. In Experiment with mice Researchers found that administration of sulforaphane reduced levels of dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Hypersensitivity of the hair follicles to endogenous DHT is one of the main causes of increased hair loss and balding.

In the case of hair loss: pay attention to living conditions and genes

Hair loss hits loud Federal Association of Alternative Hair Specialists e. V around 40 percent of men and 20 percent of women – sometimes with a slightly visible receding hairline, sometimes with a shimmering parting, in some cases with larger clearings on the top of the head up to a bald head.

Much of the early and more serious hair loss is hereditary and a reaction to changing hormone levels and a special sensitivity of the hair follicles to something called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). In this case, diet can be an additional trigger. However, a change in diet will not be able to completely stop hair loss.

In some cases, there is a fundamental disease behind the hair loss: unfavorable metabolic conditions in diabetes mellitus or functional disorders of the thyroid gland can damage the hair on the head. If the cause of the hair loss is unclear, you should also consider consulting a doctor for these reasons.

Also psychological stressors play a role when more hair is lost in the cut than would be normal. Deciphering the exact mechanisms is a challenge. But there are increasing indications that stress – such as too much work – badly affects the hair roots and thus the head of hair. Environmental and nutritional toxins are also considered stressors.

Conclusion: Relying on a balanced, active lifestyle and whole foods from unpolluted sources can be rewarding in many ways and ensure attractive hair volume.

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Brigitte Sager-Krauss, Fit For Fun Author


Data collection from China

#Hair #loss #diet #Foods #avoid

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