“Hair loss – thin hair – baldness” can be improved if it can be treated exactly the cause: PPTVHD36

by time news

Hair loss, thinning hair, baldness can be a temporary or chronic problem. that makes people of all genders All ages have anxiety and lack of confidence. Because hair is like something that enhances your personality to look better. When facing problems with hair loss, thinning hair, baldness, everyone starts looking for help. to solve problems that arise

Thinning hair, hair loss, baldness, what are the causes?

1. Race, gender and age

2. Germs that attack the hair directly or as an indirect result Infectious disease of other organs and causing abnormal hair loss afterwards

Check out 7 causes of “hair loss”. What behaviors should be done to treat hair?

“Sudden hair loss” symptoms after recovering from Covid-19 Suggest ways to restore – treatment

3. Chemicals such as drugs, toxins contaminate food and water.

4. Systemic diseases such as renal failure, toxic thyroid disease

5. Severe and acute sorrow of mind or severe shock

6. For food, it usually has no effect on hair loss. except malnutrition

7. Cancer Treatment with Chemotherapy

8. Hormonal imbalance

9. Rapid weight loss

Know the symptoms of “Autoimmune Disease (SLE)”, a disease caused by abnormal immune system.

How do you know if your hair is abnormally heavy?

Hair loss is normal. But if the hair falls out more than 100 strands / day for several days in a row Indicates that there is more hair loss than abnormal.

Hair loss and thinning hair can be divided into groups as follows:

1. Hair loss in specific areas can be divided into 2 groups:

Patchy hair loss type without scar on the scalp, the most common are:

1.1 Patchy hair loss caused by fungi More common in children, hair loss in clumps. The skin in the area of ​​the hair loss is scaly or flaky. sometimes there is a red rash

  • Treatment requires oral medication. Because the topical treatment can’t get rid of the fungus completely.

1.2 Patchy hair loss from self-pulling It is more common in children who are stressed. And when there is no way to drain, I pull my own hair When using your hands, try to pull the hair. Hair will not come off easily. like a fungal hair loss

  • Treatment requires an understanding of the pathogenesis of the disease. and understand the patient’s problems A psychiatrist may also be consulted in the treatment process. In addition, steroid creams along with oral antihistamines can help improve symptoms.

1.3 Patchy hair loss from hair root allergy The patient has an immune system disorder. There are white blood cells that interfere with the hair follicles. causing the hair follicle cells to stop working The hair will disappear in patches. The skin in the hairless area is smooth, no stumps are found. Broken hair or blisters on the skin This condition is different from the two diseases above. Generally, there may be one or more patches of hair loss. In severe cases, the hair will fall all over the head. And if it’s the most severe, the hair and body hair will fall like a leafless serpent.

  • Treatment should consult a doctor because treatment requires topical steroids. or eating for a long time

1.4 Patchy hair loss with scars on the scalp Caused by many reasons, such as pus pox on the head Severe inflammatory type of scalp ringworm, burns, scalds, scalp DLE. In most patients, the hair roots are greatly damaged. until unable to create new hair to replace the old hair and the fibrosis in the dermis as well

  • Treatment should consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis. before drug treatment

Know about patchy hair loss Not life-threatening, but affects the mind.

2. Hair loss all over the head. The most common are

2.1 Telogen hair loss condition In this group of patients, the hair on the head changed from the growth phase to the stop growing phase. Therefore, my hair is falling out very abnormally. Caused by many reasons, such as various types of infectious diseases such as typhoid fever, malaria, flu with fever for several days, various drugs such as vitamin A derivatives or vitamin A acids such as Etretinate, Acitretin are also found in women after childbirth. Severe stress or shock Hair loss symptoms will gradually improve within 1-2 months when various causes have passed.

2.2 Hair loss all over the head from stage 2 syphilis infection I will fall in patches. all over the head like a gnawing moth The exact diagnosis requires a blood test.

2.3 Hair thinning caused by heredity and sex hormones Patients will develop symptoms of hair roots gradually. Change from big hair to thin hair If it occurs in men, the hair will be very thin in the middle of the head. As for women, the hair will be thinner in the middle of the head as well. but will not be bald and clear like a man

There are several ways to treat certain types of hair loss:

use hair regrowth

1. Minoxidil is available both topically and orally. not suitable for women to eat Because it will cause the hair on the body, mustache, beard abnormally long. In women, this drug should be used only in topical form.

2. Finasteride 1 mg/day. Patients must use the drug continuously for at least 1 year and when effective, continue to use the drug. because if the drug is stopped The hair that grows back will become thinner. (This drug is ineffective. in women who have gone through menopause)

3. Spironolactone pills as a diuretic used to lower blood pressure It has an anti-androgen effect that prevents the hair from turning into small hairs. But using this drug Blood pressure and electrolyte levels must be monitored to prevent side effects of the drug.

Thank you health information from Phyathai 2 Hospital

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