Haiti: Earthquake of Power – Red Alert! – News

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Terrible memories of the earthquake in 2010 are awakened.

Saint-Louis-du-Sud – A severe earthquake shook the south of the Caribbean state of Haiti on Saturday morning (local time). The US agency USGS considers a high number of victims to be possible. She called red alert on Saturday with a view to possible fatalities.

An exact death toll is not yet available, said civil protection chief Jerry Chandler of the AFP news agency. According to initial information from the authorities, at least 29 people have died, but significantly more victims are to be expected.

Foto: Twitter/InfosFrancaises

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/viele-haeuser-wurden-zerstoert-die-us-behoerde-usgs- geht-von-einer-hohen-opferzahl-aus-51dba3466ef040b4b2a70aaf4f79d18b- 77385016 / Bild / 18.bild.jpg “/>

Many houses were destroyed. The US agency USGS assumes a high number of victimsFoto: Twitter/InfosFrancaises

► The portal “Gazette Haiti” reported on Saturday afternoon of at least five deaths in the city of Aquin, including two children aged seven and nine. There are also many injured there.

► An eyewitness from Les Cayes in the southwest, one of the largest cities in the country, told the Haiti Press Network of collapsed houses and hotels and that people were buried under the rubble.

► According to the “Gazette”, residents of the Nippes department, in which the epicenter of the quake was located, sent an SOS call to the authorities because the hospitals were overloaded.

Verletzte Menschen werden aus den Trümmern eingestürzter Gebäude gezogenPhoto: Twitter/CarlosEsDelAlbo

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/verletzt-menschen-haben-aus-den-truemmern-eingestuerzter-gebaeude-züge-4d1debcf024043cfaec38f44e3c20910-77384990/Bild/19.bild.jpg ” />

Injured people are pulled from the rubble of collapsed buildingsPhoto: Twitter/CarlosEsDelAlbo

According to official information, the earthquake with a magnitude of 7.2 occurred on the southern Tiburon peninsula around 12 kilometers from the municipality of Saint-Louis-du-Sud at a depth of around ten kilometers. After the earthquake, the Caribbean state of Haiti was shaken by several aftershocks with magnitudes of up to 5.2.

The Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry has declared a state of emergency for a month. Numerous houses are reported to have been destroyed. The exact extent of the damage is still unclear. A crisis team has been activated. The US Agency for Development Cooperation (USAID) wrote on Twitter that disaster experts were on site to assess the damage.

Ein heruntergekrachtes Wellblechdach in Les Cayes im Südwesten HaitisPhoto: Twitter / Frantzduval

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/ein-heruntergekrachtes-wellblechdach-in-les-cayes-im-suedwesten-haitis-33a1129a17054ea6b82a237cd7fd0629-77384156/Bild/37.bild.jpg ” />

A broken down corrugated iron roof in Les Cayes in southwest HaitiPhoto: Twitter / Frantzduval

The authorities issued a tsunami warning that has since been lifted. The US National Weather Service (NOAA) advised people to remain cautious. In the coastal areas near the earthquake, there could still be minor sea level fluctuations of up to 30 centimeters, it said.

Dieses Gebäude wurde durch das Beben zerstörtFoto: Twitter / Awaremap

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/dieses-gebaeude-wurde-durch-das-beben-zerstoert-da3811744fd749938a7a8c2c88f8ccac-77383874/Bild/48.bild.jpg “/>

This building was also destroyed by the quakeFoto: Twitter / Awaremap

Überall auf der Straße liegen TrümmerPhoto: Twitter/JCOMHaiti

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/ueberall-auf-der-strasse-iegen-truemmer-d436bc2aff6b4fdfa43410f12caba16b-77385048/Bild/17.bild.jpg “/>

There is rubble all over the streetPhoto: Twitter/JCOMHaiti

Dieses Foto hat ein Anwohner bei Twitter geteilt. Das Ausmaß der Schäden durch das Erdbeben ist noch unklarPhoto: Twitter / TambouV

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/dieses-foto-hat-ein-anwohner-bei-twitter-teilung-das-ausmass-der-schaeden-durch-das-erdbeben- is-still – bddd3b59460d467dbcbcb4a84be31e27-77383922 / image / 47.image.jpg “/>

A local resident shared this photo on Twitter. The extent of the damage caused by the earthquake is still unclearPhoto: Twitter / TambouV

“It took about 17 seconds”

BILD spoke to Alinx Jean-Baptiste, former office manager of Kindernothilfe in Haiti, on the phone: “I witnessed the earthquake in Port-au-Prince. It took about 17 seconds. It wasn’t as strong as in 2010. The people reacted in an exemplary manner and took to the streets immediately. There was no major damage in the capital. “

Eine Straßenverkäuferin in Port-au-Prince. In der Hauptstadt richtete das Erdbeben keine großen Schäden anFoto: Joseph Odelyn/AP

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/eine-strassenverkaeuferin-in-port-au-prince-in-der-hauptstadt-richtete-das-erdbeben-keine-grossen-schaed- a8e4d4807689417a945578f304fc3c9b-77385404 / image / 2.image.jpg “/>

A street vendor in Port-au-Prince. The earthquake did not cause any major damage in the capital Foto: Joseph Odelyn/AP

The epicenter is about 125 kilometers from the capital. Jean-Baptiste: “It must have been much worse in the south. Houses collapsed there and a church was destroyed. In contrast, the effects in the capital are no comparison. “

Finding out more about the situation in the affected area is difficult. Jean-Baptiste: “After the President’s assassination last month, we hardly have any electricity. It is therefore difficult to reach others on cell phones. You always have to make sure that it is charged. “

Das Epizentrum liegt südöstlich der Hauptstadt Port-au-Prince. Dort sind einige Häuser eingestürztPhoto: Twitter / Frantzduval

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/das-epizentrum-endung-suedoestlich-der-hauptstadt-port-au-prince-dort-sind-einige-haeuser-eingestuerzt-74f378f9c8a44867bfabb6912c5a2681- 77384146 / Bild / 37.bild.jpg “/>

This building was completely destroyed. It is unclear whether there were people in it at the time of the earthquakePhoto: Twitter / Frantzduval

Haiti was almost completely devastated by a severe earthquake in 2010. At the center of the earthquake, which had a magnitude of 7.3, was Haiti’s densely populated capital, Port-au-Prince. Around 222,000 people died and more than 300,000 were injured as a result of the quake. Over a million people lost their homes. The damage from the quake was estimated at eight billion US dollars (6.2 billion euros). Reconstruction got off to a slow start, also due to the political instability.

Das Erdbeben im Jahr 2010 hatte viele Menschen auf Haiti obdachlos gemachtPhoto: Jorge Silva / REUTERS

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/das-erdbeben-im-jahr-2010-hatte-viele-menschen-auf-haiti-obdachlos-machen-ec428ba20d3d4d4ea5ebbb3a9b468821-77385000/Bild/ 18.bild.jpg “/>

The 2010 earthquake left many people in Haiti homeless (Archive photo)Photo: Jorge Silva / REUTERS

In July 2021, Haiti’s President Jovenel Moïse was ambushed and shot dead by a heavily armed commando at his residence.

Das Epizentrum liegt südöstlich der Hauptstadt Port-au-PrincePhoto: EPA

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/das-epizentrum-endung-suedoestlich-der-hauptstadt-port-au-prince-09413420-77383960/Bild/46.bild.jpg ” />

The epicenter is southeast of the capital Port-au-PrincePhoto: EPA


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