Haiti’s President murdered: 17 men arrested, including two Americans – Politics abroad

by time news

After the murder of Haiti’s President Jovenel Moïse († 53), the police arrested 15 Colombians and two Americans – three alleged assassins are dead!

► A total of 28 people, including 26 Colombians and the two arrested Americans of Haitian origin, are said to have been involved, said interim police chief Léon Charles at a press conference with interim prime minister Claude Joseph.

► Three Colombians were killed, it said. On Wednesday, the police had given the number of attackers killed as four.

AND: Eight alleged assassins with Colombian roots are still on the run!

At the press conference, those arrested were also shown – sitting on the floor with handcuffs on. Some of them were visibly injured.

Foto: Joseph Odelyn/AP

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/sechs-der-17-gefangen-darunter-die-beiden-us-amerikaner-haitianischer-herkunft-1-und-2-von- links-26eaaa6c65134a44b867eabbf9be58e1-77027228 / image / 1.image.jpg “/>

Six of the 17 prisoners. Below: the two Americans of Haitian origin (1st and 2nd from left)Foto: Joseph Odelyn/AP

On a table were items that had been confiscated: automatic weapons, machetes, sledge hammers, Colombian passports and cell phones.

Beschlagnahmt und der Öffentlichkeit präsentiert: Reisepässe, Macheten, Waffen, Macheten, Handys und VorschlaghammerFoto: STRINGER/REUTERS

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/beschlagnahmt-und-der-oeffentlichkeit-praesentiert-reisepaesse-macheten-waffen-macheten-handys-und-vor-51150f189c9141a7a3f833e69868b8e3-77027204/Bild/ 1.bild.jpg “/>

Confiscated and presented to the public: passports, machetes, weapons, machetes, cell phones and sledge hammersFoto: STRINGER/REUTERS

Mit diesen Gegenständen sollen die Tatverdächtigen die Mord-Operation geplant und durchgeführt habenFoto: STRINGER/REUTERS

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/mit-diesen-gegenstaenden-sollen-die-tatverdaechtigen-die-mord-operation-geplant-und-durchgefuierter-haben-3f067da421a940a28dd0239e2db1f6a9-77027208/ Image / 1.bild.jpg “/>

The suspects are said to have planned and carried out the murder operation with these objectsFoto: STRINGER/REUTERS

From Bogotá it was said that apparently at least six of the Colombian participants were “former members of the national armed forces”. Colombia’s Defense Minister Diego Molano said he had instructed the police and the army to work with the Haitian authorities.

The 53-year-old head of state Moïse was shot dead in his residence on Wednesday night. His wife Martine was seriously injured and taken to the US city of Miami for treatment. The newspaper “Le Nouvelliste” reported that Moïse’s body had twelve bullet holes, some of them from large-caliber weapons.

Haiti’s ambassador to the United States, Bocchit Edmond, described the assassins as well-trained and heavily armed foreign mercenaries. They pretended to be agents of the US drug agency DEA.


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