Half a million dollars for a war on the weather? The funding competition is exposed

by time news

Climate crisis (unsplash photo)

In recent years, extreme weather events are becoming more frequent, more intense and reaching record costs around the world. The ten most extreme weather events of 2021 caused damage of more than $ 170 billion, while less than 1% of total climate technology investments are directed to this field. PLANETechThe Climate Technology Innovation Community, together with the JNF, the largest green organization in Israel, have set themselves a goal to locate technologies that deal with extreme weather events.

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On May 2, the two organizations will launch the first international competition of its kind for technologies that can optimally predict, prevent, manage and rehabilitate fire damage, floods, storms, extreme temperatures and more. The competition includes several tracks with each track addressing different challenges. Each track is funded by a different partner and participants will have the opportunity to win $ 500,000 in funding for pilots or investments from the partners; JNF, Andorra Research + Innovation, InNeGev and-Enel.

Uriel Keller, CEO PLANETech“Climatic disasters are an international challenge, affecting both developing and developed countries in terms of access to water, food, energy and infrastructure. Technologies aimed at predicting, preventing and responding to extreme weather events can produce real change in our response to climate disasters. We are looking for established startups “Early-stage ventures and companies looking to redirect their technology to address these challenges.”

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Dr. Doron Merkel, Chief Scientist, The JNF More extreme in the next decade. “In the current project, the JNF will support creative ideas for preventing the effects of extreme climates. Although these are only initial creative ideas, we see great importance for the current project that can motivate various actions that will reduce the dangerous effects of extreme climates.”

PLANETech Is a non-profit innovation community for climate technologies – a joint venture of the Israel Institute of Innovation and the Investment Group CBG (Consensus Business Group). Community PLANETech Its goal is to lead the Israeli and global climate-tech ecosystem, by building knowledge and tools, developing partnerships, and assimilating technologies, in order to promote Israel as a global center for climate technologies.

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