Half of mental health disorders begin at age 14 and 15% of adolescents show symptoms of depression

by time news

Half of the disorders mental health begin at 14 years of age and 15% of Spanish adolescents present “serious or moderately severe” symptoms of depression, according to data collected by Unicef Spain, on the occasion of World Mental Health Daywhich is celebrated this Monday.

The data, which belongs to a survey carried out by Unicef ​​Spain with the University of Santiago on a sample of 40,000 teenagersplaces suicidal ideation in Spanish adolescents at 10.8%.

Although half of the disorders begin at age 14, 75% develop at 24, but most go undetected and therefore untreated.

For the executive director of Unicef ​​Spain, José María Vera, these data urge action “because they are not cold figures on mental health, they are children and adolescents who deserve to be heard but to improve their emotional well-being and end taboo and stigma, it is necessary to invest more in this segment of the population“.

Vera appreciates the investment in mental health contemplated in the latest General State Budget and the implementation of the line 024 of attention to suicide, but stresses the need to provide more resources the Mental Health Action Plan 2022-24 for childhood and adolescence. “From Unicef ​​Spain we ask for a joint and determined commitment,” said its executive director.

break the stigma

He also insists on breaking the stigma that exists around mental health and acknowledges that while progress has been made in recent years “negative beliefs still persist that can lead to people not asking for the help they need.

On the occasion of this World Day, Unicef ​​Spain has released a video in which adolescents like Gorka and Irene, aged 11 and 13, turn to the group of their age, asking them if they have symptoms of depression or anxiety turn to people you trust and ask for help because if you have a mental health problem you will not be able to solve it alone.

They acknowledge in the video that there can be many triggers: “school problems, bullying, wanting to fit into society or seek to be perfect” and facing all of this implies seeking professional help.

One of the points highlighted by Unicef ​​is the need to reinforce the role of educational centers through the welfare and protection coordinatora figure that has begun to operate this school year.

Complaint from the College of Psychologists of Madrid

The College of Psychologists of Madrid also denounces the Lack of psychologists in hospitals, health centers, health and community services, and schools and they demand the incorporation of 7,900 more clinical psychologists into the National Health System to achieve a ratio of 20 x 100,000 inhabitants.

This measure would suppose a significant saving in the current expenses in mental health, they point out from the College of Psychologists.

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According to this body, one in three Spaniards presents a probable case of anxiety and one in four, of depression, but also some 400,000 people, preferably children and adolescents, suffer eating disorders and one in ten students has been a victim of bullying.

With these figures, the College of Psychologists demands a public health policy that rigorously, comprehensively and broadly contemplates mental health and maintains that increasing the budget in this area represents a clear investment in the medium and long term.

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