Half of the cases are not diagnosed

by time news
  • Although 9 out of 10 cases of glaucoma blindness can be prevented, 50% of patients in Mexico do not know they have it.
  • This disease is also known as “the silent thief of sight” due to its asymptomatic nature.
  • World Glaucoma Day is commemorated every March 12.

Despite the importance of visual health, the majority of the population does not pay attention and even neglects this area. To better understand the dimension of the problem, it is estimated that Half of glaucoma cases in Mexico are not diagnosed. Lack of interest in attending periodic review consultations is one of the adversities that must be reversed.

For its part, glaucoma is positioned as the leading cause of irreversible blindness in our country. It is responsible for 50,000 cases of blindness, a figure that causes a great impact since, despite the fact that nine out of ten cases of vision loss due to this disease can be avoided.

This chronic and progressive condition occurs in 1.5 million Mexicans and consists of characteristic changes in the optic nerve that may or may not be related to increased eye pressure. This produces irreversible damage to the visual field of patients and even blindness.

Main risk factors

  • Having relatives with glaucoma.
  • Have ocular hypertension.
  • Advanced age because the risk of suffering from this condition doubles after the age of 60.
  • Genetic predisposition (linked to heredity and our race).
  • Presence of other diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, direct blows to the eyes, history of eye surgery, high myopia or high farsightedness.

This disease is also known as “the silent thief of sight” due to its asymptomatic nature. In most cases and when the vision begins to diminish, it is possible that the patient is in an advanced stage of the disease.

In some varieties of glaucoma there may be some symptoms such as eye pain, nausea or vomiting. Also blurred vision or colored halos around lights. In the end, it turns the condition into an ophthalmological emergency and the patient must see an ophthalmology specialist immediately.

Although there is no definitive cure for glaucoma, it is urgent to see the ophthalmologist regularly, especially if there are any of the risk factors. An accurate diagnosis and adequate treatment contribute to delaying the effects caused by this condition and sometimes preventing total loss of sight.

Glaucoma is more frequent among Mexicans

In Mexico there are about a million and a half people who suffer from it. Some statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO) indicate that there may be up to 60 million worldwide.

On the other hand, in nations such as the United States, up to 10 million visits to the ophthalmologist are recorded for glaucoma follow-up.

Because diabetes and arterial hypertension are among the risk factors, Mexico is at a disadvantage because both conditions are quite frequent among the population.

According to information from the Institute of Health for Well-being (INSABI), in our country it is the main cause of blindness in people over 60 years of age, but it can be controlled if it is detected early.

It is mentioned that it is frequent and affects two percent of the population over 40 years of age and 14 percent of those over 60.

Treatment may include surgery, laser, or medication, depending on the evolution and severity of the condition. Eye drops are usually used initially along with medication to lower intraocular pressure.

Also read:

Mexicans are more susceptible to glaucoma: UNAM

March health events: Glaucoma, Obesity and Down Syndrome

Every year 600,000 consultations for glaucoma are offered at the IMSS

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