half of the inhabitants of kyiv are still without electricity

by time news

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12h00 : It’s 12 noon, time to go to lunch, and also to take stock of the news:

• The death toll from Monday’s earthquake on the island of Java has risen to 310, authorities reported. Twenty-four people remain missing.

• Emmanuel Macron goes to Dijon, on the occasion of the international day for the elimination of violence against women. He must exchange there with the associations, the forces of order and the judicial actors mobilized. Follow the events related to this day in our live.

• EU interior ministers are meeting in Brussels this afternoon to discuss the recent increase in migratory flows, and more particularly the solidarity pact long proposed by the EU.

• kyiv is working to repair the energy infrastructure damaged by massive Russian strikes, while some fifteen regions encountered problems with the water and electricity supply last night. “Every hour we reconnect the electricity for new consumers”, says Volodymyr Zelensky. Follow our live.

11h14 : The Ministry of Foreign Affairs announces the delivery of “100 generators with a power of 50 to 100 KWA to Romania”, at the request of Ukraine. They will be handed over to the Ukrainian authorities in the coming days”specifies the Quai d’Orsay.

09h51 : So far, the Ukrainian army resists Bakhmout. But Russian artillery relentlessly pounded this city located north of Donetsk, emptied of most of its 70,000 inhabitants. We explain to you why the paramilitary group Wagner covets this area.


09h25 : It’s 9:15 a.m. and dust, time to take stock of the titles:

• kyiv is working to repair the energy infrastructure damaged by massive Russian strikes, while some fifteen regions encountered problems with the water and electricity supply last night. “Every hour we reconnect the electricity for new consumers”, says Volodymyr Zelensky. Follow our live.

• EU interior ministers are meeting in Brussels this afternoon to discuss the recent increase in migratory flows, and more particularly the solidarity pact long proposed by the EU.

• The National Financial Prosecutor’s Office has opened two judicial inquiries targeting Emmanuel Macron’s presidential campaigns in 2017 and 2022. The Elysée reacted at the start of the evening, believing that it was up to justice to investigate “in complete independence”.

• The results of CP, CE1 and 6th grade student assessments, carried out in September, will be unveiled this afternoon by the Ministry of Education. Their usefulness is highly contested by teachers.

07h47 : In kyiv, where temperatures are close to 0°C, 60% of the inhabitants are still affected by power cuts, according to the town hall. Three nuclear power plants under kyiv control were able to be reconnected to the grid yesterday. “We will gradually give power for 2-3 hours until the amount of electricity entering Kyiv is increased” and stabilized, promised the director of the network.

06h20 : Fifteen Ukrainian regions are experiencing problems with the water and power supply, after major Russian strikes. “The situation with electricity remains difficult in almost all regions. However, we are gradually moving away from the cuts and every hour we are reconnecting electricity for new consumers”said Volodymyr Zelensky in his daily address last night.

13h48 : Here is a first point on the news:

• kyiv is working to repair the energy infrastructure damaged by massive Russian strikes, while some fifteen regions encountered problems with the water and electricity supply. “Every hour we reconnect the electricity for new consumers”, says Volodymyr Zelensky. Follow our live.

• An extraordinary meeting of EU interior ministers will take place this afternoon in Brussels to discuss tensions between Paris and Rome over migrants rescued in the Mediterranean.

• The National Financial Prosecutor’s Office has opened two judicial inquiries targeting Emmanuel Macron’s presidential campaigns in 2017 and 2022. The Elysée reacted at the start of the evening, believing that it was up to justice to investigate “in complete independence”.

• The deputies voted at first reading to include the right to abortion in the Constitution. The text will now be debated in the Senate, whose approval is essential for constitutional reform. On the other hand, neither the abolition of Corrida, nor the reintegration of caregivers not vaccinated against Covid-19 have been voted.

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