Half of the lawyers in the State already work for large law firms, the Ibex… and the political parties

by time news

2023-05-21 14:19:06

Los boards of directors of large companies, the most influential law firms and the staff of political parties have become the destination of a large number of senior officials. After passing competitive examinations that require many years of study and with very limited places, an effort compensated with high salaries within the Public Administration, a significant number of public employees at the highest levels decide, once the tests have been passed, to take the step to private sector.

Salaries are decisive, but also other factors and concerns. Of the 663 State lawyers, up to 39% -263- have requested their voluntary leave of absence to work, mainly, in prestigious law firms, according to the data published in the Official State Gazette (BOE) analyzed by THE OBJECTIVE.

For law firms, having a State lawyer in their organization chart is decisive and their relevance is skyrocketing. A review of the data for March 2022 included in the BOE, the latest after those published in 2012, shows that up to 46 State lawyers perform special services. This administrative situation supposes a temporary cessation in the job to carry out relevant positions or functions of a public nature..

In these circumstances there are, among others, Jaime Alfonsin, Head of the House of His Majesty the King and on the verge of retirement. Also in this situation are José Antonio Morillo-Velarde del Peso, deputy director of the Legal Department of State Ports and Jose Luis Marroquin, Secretary General of the Renfe Board of Directors. Acuamed, Efe Agency, Icex, Aena, the Ministry of the Interior, Canal de Isabel II, Cesce, the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) or the Tax Agency also have these professionals in their legal departments.

Officials in the Ibex

Two relevant political officials, Edmundo Bal, with position 209 in the ranking and deputy for Ciudadanos, and Jorge Buxadé, parliamentarian for Vox and 392 in the rank of State Lawyers, decided to take a big leap, ignore the offers from law firms and opt for politics. Jose Luis Martinez Almeida -355 in the ranking-, mayor of Madrid, is also a state lawyer. Former ministers Eduardo Serra and Miguel Arias Cañete are also part of this group of senior officials.

Meanwhile, the large law firms have become a magnet for a large part of the State’s lawyers. Just a few days ago, the Uría y Menéndez office gave an account of the signing on Roberto Fernandez Castilla, an expert in Energy and who had worked at the Ministry of Ecological Transition. For his part, Alfonso González-Espejorecently became counsel of Ashurst for his area of ​​Public Law.

big law firms

Dentons, Ceca Magán, Hogan Lovells, Ontier and Ernst & Young They have been some of the firms that have captured the talent of the Administration. The key to these contracts is how easy it is to get clients and their professional relationships, in addition to their obvious knowledge. Meanwhile, Pablo Isla, former president of Inditex and State lawyer, will join Bertelsmann as a member of its supervisory board.

A significant percentage of the group has also made the leap to the Ibex. Oscar García Maceiras He is a CEO at Inditex, José Ramón de Hoces ÍñiguezAt just 46 years old, he is a director, general secretary and secretary of the Board of Directors of El Corte Inglés. On his part, the construction company ACS already has six State lawyers on its council -Lourdes Maíz, Lourdes Fraguas, María José García Beato, Catalina Miñarro, José Luis del Valle Pérez and Antonio Botella, these last two retirees-.

Banco Santander is another of the large companies that has these senior officials on its board, including its general secretary and secretary of the Board, Jaime Pérez Renovales. Meanwhile, Pedro Guerrero, 5th in the ranking, is president of Bankinter and up to twenty of the companies present in the Ibex 35 have State lawyers among their ranks.

The tax inspectors

Another of the Administration’s elite bodies, the Treasury inspectors, are also recruited by the private sector, especially Ibex companies, but a much smaller proportion than State lawyers. sources of the Association of Tax Inspectors (IHE), which represents the majority of the group, figure at 5% of the inspectors who are currently on leave of absence. The percentage, which was around 15%, has been drastically reduced.

As these sources point out to THE OBJECTIVE, the destination is usually Ibex companies, top-level tax firms or entrepreneurship, creating their own legal or tax advisory offices.

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