Half of the Likud voters are in favor of stopping the reform legislation

by time news

A survey here by News reveals that the majority of the public actually supports negotiations that include the temporary suspension of legal legislation. The survey published today (Friday) in the edition of Hemesh in Kan 11 shows that half of the Likud voters support stopping the legislation and negotiations, while 36% of them support the continuation of the legislation without compromise.

In the meantime, Prime Minister Netanyahu actually refuses to stop the legislation in favor of negotiations, and perhaps there is logic in the Prime Minister’s approach, because if you check among the voters of other parties in the coalition – the situation is completely different. Among religious Zionist voters – only 36% are in favor of stopping the extermination legislation, and 49% – against.

Among Torah Judaism and Shas voters – only 19% are in favor of freezing legislation and conducting negotiations. 63% are against. Perhaps, contrary to the conciliatory position of some of their representatives.

In the background, Minister Amichai Shikli said today in an interview with the Hamsh edition that the legal advisor to the government Gali Beharve-Miara is sabotaging the compromise according to the president’s outline, following the ban on Netanyahu from engaging in the legal reform, due to the conflict of interest in which he is: “It is a fault that Netanyahu is leading the negotiation process. She is sabotaging the ability to have a useful conversation”.

He also attacked the head of the opposition, Yair Lapid, and said that if there were to be negotiations, it would not necessarily be with him: “Lapid is irrelevant, his rhetoric is violent, forceful. The negotiations are with more pragmatic parts of the opposition, such as the state camp. Lapid is leading the line and along with him are the people who jump on tables, is a less pragmatic line. What Yair Lapid says is not interesting, because I don’t think the main conversation will be in front of him.”

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