Half of the over 50s ignore prevention for maculopathies and retinopathies

by time news

2023-04-18 13:19:16

50% of people over 50, the age group most at risk, do not undergo preventive visits for retinopathy and maculopathy. This is one of the main results, released by the Macula Committee, of the ‘TestaLaVista’ survey, the online prevention tool promoted by the association. “It is essential to undergo regular preventive checks, especially in the population groups most at risk”, says Massimo Ligustro, president of the Macula Committee, the association of patients suffering from maculopathy and retinopathy, for the population over 50, considered the most exposed segmentand in particular to those suffering from predisposing diseases such as diabetes.

These serious eye diseases that involve the progressive loss of vision are also among the most insidious because they are silent – explains the association in a note – they develop without obvious symptoms until the stage is so advanced as to compromise the ability to read, writing, recognizing people’s faces, and performing even simple gestures such as inserting the keys in the lock or pouring water into a glass. The survey carried out by ‘TestaLaVista’, with almost 2 years of activity and data collection, has involved 40 thousand people, of which 17 thousand over the age of 55: 50% said they had not had a complete eye examination in the last 2 years. The percentage rises to 54% if we consider the 55-64 age group and stands at 46% if we refer to the over 65s.

“The numbers provided by the Macula Committee demonstrate a lack of attention to pathologies that can cause progressive loss of vision, such as diabetic macular edema – comments Giuseppe Querques, specialist in Ophthalmology at the Vita-Salute University, Irccs San Raffaele in Milan -. These are pathologies which, on the other hand, if identified and treated early, could be kept under control with excellent results. My advice to 50-year-olds who have never had a complete eye exam is to do it as soon as possible. The doctor – he explains – will carry out an accurate examination of the fundus and, if he deems it necessary, he will be able to subject the patient to a possible OCT examination (optical coherence tomography) or refer him to an eye center equipped with this sophisticated but nowadays widely used machine. and diffusion”.

A factor that exponentially increases the risk of developing retinal and macular pathologies is diabetes – the note recalls – in particular in relation to macular edema (EMD), which represents one of the leading causes of blindness in the world. According to the ‘TestaLaVista’ survey, among those who have not turned to the ophthalmologist for a complete visit in the last 2 years, 15% declared to be diabetic or not to exclude the possibility of being so. And yet, the risk should not be underestimated: just think that of the 3.2 million diabetics present in Italy, 1.1 have diabetic retinopathy (35%), while 218,000 have diabetic macular edema (6.8%).

Retinopathies and maculopathies are serious pathologies, which can affect the professional sphere – leading to the loss of the job – as well as the social and personal one, with a significant impact on the quality of life of those who suffer from it and their family. The best weapons for identifying and countering the first signs – the Macula Committee recalls – are prevention and early diagnosis, aimed in particular at the ‘senior’ population group, more subject to these risks due to the aging of the retina and a possible , prolonged exposure to diabetes.

TestaLaVista is an online self-assessment test based on the observation of a series of images starting from the Amsler grid, a method already tested by ophthalmologists to effectively intercept the indications of visual disturbances associated with macular and retinal problems. Already adopted by various institutions of the Liguria Region, it also offers a listening point for those who test positive and an initial orientation towards the best path of diagnosis and treatment.

“Maculopathy entered my life 10 years ago, making me discover, only at that point, that I was diabetic and upsetting my life – says Ligustro – I strongly believe in this test, although it does not in any way replace a complete eye examination. Undergoing the test costs nothing, it is not invasive, it is not complicated. A few minutes to understand if the eyes could need more accurate checks and be directed by an operator of the Macula Committee towards the best path of diagnosis and treatment. In short, a minimal effort , to save one’s sight.”

The Association also has other initiatives in progress. “With the Local Health Authorities 3 and 4 of the province of Genoa – adds the president – we are carrying out a telemedicine project in the hinterland Municipalities, subjecting citizens at risk to free vision screening to raise awareness of the damage deriving from the loss of a driving license as a result of low vision, we are working to launch the ‘Eye on the road’ campaign institutionally, involving Municipalities, driving schools, general practitioners and pharmacies. On the health policy front – concludes Ligustro – we are fighting for the inclusion of maculopathy in the essential levels of assistance (Lea). Finally, to provide knowledge, support and sharing of the disease, we are building ‘Macula Care’, the first digital community of people with visual impairments”.

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