Half of the security forces sent to the capital have left the city

by time news

After three days of relative calm in East Jerusalem, about half of the 600 MGB fighters sent on Thursday to reinforce the forces in the capital have left the city. In addition, four MGB reserve companies are still stationed in Jerusalem, which may remain there for a few more weeks. With the arrival of the holiday, thousands of police officers were deployed near synagogues and gathering centers and tomorrow the police will secure second laps events throughout the country.

The clashes in East Jerusalem have subsided, but Sheikh Jarrah is still burning. The confrontations between Jews and Arabs in the neighborhood continued tonight as well. Three suspects were arrested during the clashes and five other suspects involved in disorder were arrested in their homes the previous nights. In the last week, more than 50 Palestinians, most of them minors, were arrested on suspicion of participating in the violations of order and the clashes. In addition, the Jerusalem police tonight also arrested four suspects in the attack on a vehicle in which a Jewish family was traveling in Beit Hanina last week, and their detention was extended by four days.

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