Hamas Launches Surprise Attack: Israel Braces for Intense Battle

by time news

State of War Alert: Hamas Launches Surprise Attack on Israel

In a shocking turn of events, Hamas launched a surprise attack against Israel early this morning, causing widespread chaos and devastation. Dozens of rockets were launched from the Gaza Strip into the center and south of the country, resulting in one of the heaviest barrages that Israel has faced in recent years. This attack, known as “Iron Swords,” has triggered a state of war alert.

The Israeli Air Force has swiftly retaliated by launching airstrikes on Gaza. The aim is to neutralize the threat and protect the Israeli population. Simultaneously, there has been a disturbing development as dozens of terrorists infiltrated Israel, raising fears of Israeli abductees. Authorities have urged residents of the surrounding areas to stay indoors and remain vigilant for their safety.

Tragically, the attack has already claimed the lives of at least 22 Israelis. The Ministry of Health has reported that more than 545 people have been wounded, with 130 currently hospitalized in critical condition at Soroka Hospital. Another 132 civilians have been admitted to the Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon. The toll on innocent lives continues to rise.

The head of Hamas’ military wing, Muhammad Daf, declared the start of the “Al-Aqsa flood” operation. The Gaza Strip is witnessing a barrage of fire and chaos as Hamas continues its assault on Israel.

Responding to the situation, an IDF spokesman has warned Hamas that it will pay a heavy price for its combined operation involving rocket fire and terrorist infiltration. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the nation, stating that he has ordered the purging of settlements infiltrated by terrorists. He also announced the extensive recruitment of reserve forces to bolster Israel’s defense capabilities.

The Rambam Medical Center has joined the national effort to locate the missing and wounded from other hospitals. Those seeking information can contact the dedicated information center at phone number 144-1255. Meanwhile, numerous hospital emergency centers are actively engaged in treating the injured and providing crucial medical assistance.

As the situation rapidly unfolds, the people of Israel are bracing themselves for a long and challenging battle. The authorities are determined to ensure the safety and security of their citizens, vowing to make Hamas pay an unprecedented price for its aggression.

The news has been prepared with the contributions of Or Heller, Alon Ben-David, Almog Booker, Hezi Simantov, Yishai Porat, Sefi Ovadia, Hila Korah, Yosef Israel, Eli Senior, Yossi Eli, Moriah Asraf-Wahlberg, Udi Segal, Nega Nir-Naman, Roni Shchuchinsky, Roy Yanovsky, Lior Varotslavsky, Meir Marciano, Hila Alroy, Raviv Drucker, whose insights and expertise have played a pivotal role in shaping this report.

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