Hamdok’s former advisor, Dr. Amjad Farid: Part of the Islamists must participate in long-running democratic transition issues

by time news

We must work clearly and confront differences through dialogue

Freedom and change viewed the transitional period as ruling and dealing, not reform

Dialogue: Fatima Mubarak – Mahjoub Issa

#During your time in the executive body, was there harmony between you?

There is no harmony within the executive body. It is true that all people wanted to do a (good) need, but there was no time to develop a vision of joint action.

# Were there objective reasons?

The Corona closure period had an impact on creating unity in the state apparatus. The second matter is that the military institution was working to put obstacles, in addition to the hidden conflict between Al-Burhan and Hamidti, and freedom and change viewed the transitional period as a period of rule and work for deals, not reform.

# It seems that the issue of choosing governors was among the things about which no vision was made, so he turned to Saddam?

The issue of governors resulted in a major clash between the executive body and freedom and change.

There are those who recruited people to bring them to the position of governor, one of the parties recruited a woman and the party entered her in those days to bring her a governor, looking at the transitional period as a period of one rule was one of the big problems and considered one of the difficulties.

# On mentioning the conflict that was hidden between Al-Burhan and Hamidti, and which has exploded these days, what is the basis of the new alliance between Hamidti and the two centers of change?

The issue of Hemedti’s alliance with the Centers for Freedom and Change is an understanding, and what brought them together is their hostility to the other side, and what brings them closer to their disagreement with Al-Burhan.

# Are there no personal relationships between them?

There are individuals within the Freedom and Change Centers who have personal relations with Abdel Rahim Daglo, and they see the possibility of exploiting influence to achieve their own ambitions, as most alliances are based on regional foundations and this matter will not lead forward. Make decision.

The expected freedom and change is supported by Hamidti, he cannot be in the same boat with her.

Hamidti has his projects with the Russians

# There are fears of an expected clash between the army and the Rapid Support Forces. To what extent are these fears justified?

A clash cannot happen, each one bites the finger of the other and waits for the other to break up, but they will not clash, the two of them understand that at the moment of the clash their interests will end and they have no ability to bear the consequences

# What is the interpretation of what is happening between them?

There is a competition between Al-Burhan and Hamidti over power and influence in international and regional ties. They are closer to agreement.

# It seems that Hamidti has a political ambition that emerged through his unannounced alliance with the Central for Change?

Hemedti cannot be supportive of democratic transition, because it is a foreign body to the state apparatus, just as the army needs reform, and there is no difference in that.

# What is the second hash?

The second Hawasha, the Kizan, and the people confronted them during the day, entered the General Command and overthrew them. In my estimation, the social visit that Karti made to the island in the past days was an attempt to blackmail the democratic forces, but the revolution succeeded in dividing Sudan into two camps, the forces of apostasy and the forces of the future.

# What I called the forces of the future, including differences, how to achieve the desired goals?

It is the nature of democracy to contribute to conflict and disagreement and manage it optimally, and this leads to a wide area of ​​agreement and leads to managing the outcomes of the dispute

# What about what you called the forces of apostasy?

As for the forces of apostasy, whatever they promise, it will not lead forward, and Sudan will not return to what was before April 11, 2019. There is awareness, aspirations, and hopes created by the revolution. Difference helps in developing curricula and managing it in democracy, while the forces of apostasy lead to oppression, disagreement, and resistance. Youth seek the future and do not want to go back.

# Do you mean by Kizan all Islamists?

There is a part of the Islamists that must participate in the long issues of democratization, the system of government and the constitution.

In my estimation, it is the initial clarity in these issues that solves them, and not the work (by intrigue). It is necessary to work clearly and confront the differences through dialogue, but you cannot talk about conducting workshops and making an agreement (in a jambah) before the end of the workshops.

# Is there someone who puts all the Islamists in one basket?

There are Islamists who did not commit crimes. The problem is with those who committed crimes and corrupted. The criminal should go to prison. Those who had political responsibility should bear full responsibility. The corrupt are held accountable, but this is done in court and not in an administrative committee.

# You mean the committee to dismantle the June 30 regime?

This commission, was a dismantling commission, and used administrative power to carry out judicial powers.

# In your opinion, are the parties eligible for the elections?

Anyone who thinks they are eligible, but if elections are held after two years, the country itself will not be qualified and prepared.

Democracy is a system that builds and builds a state apparatus that starts from the base and ends at the head of the state. It begins with the election of the head of the People’s Committee, then the local government structures, the local councils, and then the state councils. People debate whether the delegate is appointed by the governor or is he elected.

# The legislature?

After a year, the Legislative Council or half of it can be elected, and the following text is after two years, because Sudan is a large country, and there is an influence of tribal leaders, and for this reason it cannot be required that all members have a university degree. The executive branch, according to the democratic hierarchy, is responsible for rebuilding the economy, the health system, and security and military reform.

#What is achieved by the idea of ​​dividing the Legislative Council?

It ensures program continuity, rapid debugging, and broader representation of multiple regions.

# Al-Burhan said that he relied on the Armed Forces Law to implement what was considered a coup?

The Law of the Armed Forces does not have clauses that allow this. This is legal theorization (Say), everyone participated in the coup, freedom and change replaced the power of Parliament with the power of the Central Council and it was controlled by specific individuals. Weak, with effects from the forces of apostasy, and the conflict will be political and partisan, rather than over services and policies.

# How do we transfer the parties to compete for services instead of partisan conflict?

It must be emphasized that the parties must enter the local elections, and in this case, they will provide programs and services, because then they will want their members to enter the state parliament and the Legislative Council, and the conflict will move from a struggle over freedom, peace, justice, and the Juba Agreement, to talking about what to do in the issue of electricity and water and schools.

#Did you provide a vision for these services when you were part of the government?

In the year 2021 AD, there was a problem with sitting and the school dropout rate was high, according to what we were told. We told the Ministry of Finance (leave) the books, and provide a school meal, to serve as a social incentive that helps solve the problem. In addition to that, there were more than 60% From children below normal weight, and this idea would have contributed to solving more than one problem, transferring the conflict from partisan to service-oriented and encouraging parties to develop themselves, and gradual elections would make the executive body under the control of parliament.

Some expressed an opinion on the political process because it is selective?

The current political process, the street rejected it, but there are things that can be useful in the future.

# What is the main reason for not forming the Legislative Council during your time as an advisor to the Prime Minister?

The main reason for not forming the Legislative Council is the unwillingness of Freedom and Change to form it in a real way that achieves the representation of the largest number. It wanted to control it so that they would say we are the parties of the country and they failed to represent the youth of the revolution and the resistance committees. This appeared in the division of the Professionals Association.

# What do you mean?

After the elections that were held (right or wrong), the important thing is that one side won and another did not. Freedom and Change sided with the defeated side and told it to divide.

How do you create a democracy when democracy did not bring you to stage a coup? Well, what is your problem with Al-Burhan and Hamidati?

#Finally, will the armed forces leave the political process?

Of course not. Al-Burhan, in his addresses to celebrate group marriages, talked about politics. Does this indicate their intention to get out of politics? A person in control of the country’s forces has a separate budget and economic activities. On the other hand, Hemedti began to practice politics outside Sudan and talked about global connections, and he is the only leader who visited Russia on the day of the invasion of Ukraine, and said that the Russians have the right to defend themselves, and Abdel Rahim Daglo said that we will not allow the arrest of politicians who talk about political matters without having a status. From which platform does this statement come, or does he want to create a militia to protect politicians and prevent the killing of demonstrators? Reform must consider tasks, development, curricula, armaments, and the national goal.

The army is known to protect the homeland, the constitution, and the borders. We need to reformulate the army to adhere to this goal, and the reform process must move away from quotas.


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