Han Dong-hoon focuses on the metropolitan area on the first weekend of the election campaign… “I won’t change it without paying attention”

by times news cr

2024-03-31 21:10:49

“Please listen to the trash talk of Lee Jae-myung and Kim Jun-hyuk” Criticism
In Cho Kuk, “A party created in the name, are you serious?” Woongdong Academy is also a chopping board
‘Myeongryong Daejeon’ visits Gyeyang, Incheon, saying, “If criminals are not judged, there will be no livelihood for the people.”


Han Dong-hoon, chairman of the People Power Party Emergency Response Committee, emphasized while campaigning in the metropolitan area for the third day on the 30th, “If there are any shortcomings, we will change them without paying attention.”

As before, we also focused on ‘bashing Lee Jae-myung and Cho Kuk’. Targeting the controversy over the harsh words of Representative Lee and the same party candidates Kim Jun-hyuk and Yang Moon-seok, he harshly criticized them, saying, “Please listen to their trash talk.” In addition, the level of pressure was increased by recalling the suspicions related to Woongdong Academy of the Cho family.

On this day, Chairman Han visited Bucheon, Gimpo, Incheon, and Yangcheon-gu, Seoul, conducting a campaign to support candidates in the respective constituencies.

At a Bucheon campaign rally in the morning, he said, “The People Power Party has turned into a political party that struggles to correct things whenever you point them out,” and “The Democratic Party is not like that. “We will change if you are uncomfortable, and that is the politics of the People Power Party,” he said.

He continued, “If you think the government and the people’s power are lacking or if you feel uncomfortable, please tell me. “I will change everything according to your wishes,” he said, adding, “I have worked my entire life without paying attention to what others think, and I will continue to do so in the future.”

He added, “However, we will only look at your facial expressions and thoughts to see what you think and reflect it in the policies, attitudes, and words of the government and ruling party.”

Targeting the controversy over the harsh words of Representative Lee Jae-myung and candidates Kim Jun-hyuk and Yang Moon-seok, he criticized them by saying, “Please listen to the trash talk,” and “People who say such things should not be involved in politics.”

Regarding Candidate Kim, he said, “He talked about elementary school students as sexual partners and compared them to comfort women,” and added, “Can our society tolerate such trash talk?”

Also, “CEO Lee will not get rid of this person either. “Isn’t he worse,” he snapped, adding, “Please listen to what CEO Lee said about his sister-in-law.”

There was also a remark that took into account the cases of candidates Jang Ye-chan and Do Tae-woo, whose nominations were previously canceled due to controversy over abusive language.

Chairman Han said, “Even in the People Power Party, there are people who said things that did not fit the public’s expectations,” and “What they said was either informal or something they said when they were young in their 20s.”

He continued, “However, even though I knew that there were many people in the party who were very critical of me and that I would be very hurt, I only looked at everyone’s level. “I only saw what everyone was worried about,” he said. “So I decided to organize it with a heartbreaking feeling.” “Please understand my sincerity,” he emphasized.

Chairman Han said, “I asked you to compare me with Representative Cho Kuk and Lee Jae-myung. “I organized it,” he said. “They said, ‘You’re going to film us anyway. Isn’t this ‘don’t talk nonsense, just take pictures’? “Shouldn’t we judge such arrogant politics?” he said.

He also added, “There is an essential difference between reacting, reflecting, and correcting from the perspective of the people, and believing only the support base and pushing forward no matter what the people say.” He added, “Please see this essential difference in this general election.”

On the afternoon of the same day, at a support rally held in Chinatown, Jung-gu, Incheon, Chairman Han again raised the remarks of candidate Kim Jun-hyuk on the chopping block.

Chairman Han said, “I picked up (candidate Kim’s remarks) and called them trash. Is that wrong? “Isn’t that trash talk?” and “I have no intention of biting back on that statement.” “Because it is obviously trash.”

He argued, “A politician’s daily words reflect his or her philosophy and worldview, and are important because they show the direction in which he or she pursues politics for citizens.”

In addition, he criticized Candidate Yang, saying, “He admits to fraudulent loans, but he says he will reform the media,” and “He is saying he will take revenge because the media reported it. Does this make sense?”

Chairman Han also took aim at Representative Cho Kuk during a campaign to support Okryeon Mayor in Yeonsu-gu, Incheon.

He sarcastically said, “(Representative Cho) is deceiving people by creating a party in his own name,” and added, “For example, wouldn’t it be a mistake to call it Donghun Party?” Also, “Have you seen a mainstream politician other than Heo Gyeong-young creating a party in his own name? “Can we imagine our politics?” he asked.

He said, “That is becoming a reality. “Is that something we can seriously say about the Cho Kuk Party now?” he said.

He said, “There is such a country among underdeveloped countries. “There are countries where those in power can do anything to defend their family’s crimes, but oppress those who oppose,” he said, adding, “Isn’t the Republic of Korea that kind of country?”

He continued, “If you elect that person, you are giving them a license to continue doing that.”

Controversy over the default of Korea Asset Management Corporation (CAMCO) by Woongdong Academy, a school corporation run by CEO Cho’s family, was brought up again following the morning.

Chairman Han said, “Representative Cho made Woongdong Academy debt-free in August 2019, and when the problem of passing on a lot of debt to the country was revealed, he will hand over Woongdong Academy to the state or a public interest organization. “Everyone, including my mother, promised to the public that they would not exercise any rights at Woongdong Academy,” he said.

He said, “Do you think that promise has been kept now that five years have passed? He pointed out, “Ungdong Academy still remains in the hands of CEO Cho’s family,” and “the money that has not been repaid to the state still remains.”

On this day, Chairman Han also visited Gyeyang, Incheon, one of the battlegrounds for the April 10 general elections. Here, the so-called ‘Great Dragon Battle’ is taking place between former Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Won Hee-ryong and Representative Lee Jae-myeong of the People Power Party.

Chairman Han took aim at Representative Lee and said, “If criminals are not judged, there will be no livelihood or political reform. That is why judging criminals and Lee and Jo (Lee Jae-myung and Cho Kook) is a political reform and a reform of the people’s livelihood.”

He said, “A game in Gyeyang is a game in Korea,” and “But I don’t know if this can be called a game. “Is this a competition between someone who wants to get criminals out of politics and someone who wants to get elected so they don’t go to jail?” he emphasized.

He continued, “I know there are many things about the People Power Party and the government that you don’t like,” and “But we have changed. “When you point something out, we are a flexible party that responds immediately, reflects and improves, and we are a party that only looks at your level,” he emphasized.

Candidate Won said, “This time, Gyeyang will definitely change,” and “They say the people are the ones doing politics. That guy is that guy, aren’t you that guy too? I speak clearly. “I am different from that guy.”

Regarding candidate Lee Jae-myung, “This is a political slogan that says candidate Lee is dead and cannot be woken up.” Above all, I will do it honestly,” he said. “Is this candidate listening? If you’re listening, try following along. “I will do it honestly,” he said sarcastically.

During the campaign to support Gimpo, Gyeonggi Province, the issue of Gyeonggi division and incorporation into Seoul was brought up.

Chairman Han criticized, “The ruling party made a practical pledge to use the one-shot law to incorporate Seoul for areas in Gyeonggi-do that want to be incorporated into Seoul, and to divide Gyeonggi-do for areas that want to be divided into Gyeonggi Province,” and criticized, “The Democratic Party has not properly revealed its thoughts.”

He said, “Representative Lee Jae-myeong said that it would become Gangwon-seo Province and made it as if he was opposed to the division of Gyeonggi Province, but then said no again. “This is really irresponsible politics,” he said. “We made our position clear. “Based on that, if you want, please choose us,” he appealed.

In Bupyeong, Incheon, support was garnered by mentioning the Cheonan incident.

Chairman Han said, “Regarding the sinking of the Cheonan, People Power Party candidate Yoo Je-hong, who is trying to commemorate the soldiers who died to protect us and strengthen the resolve to defend the Republic of Korea through this, maintains his position as if the sinking of the Cheonan was not the work of North Korea by using it as a political subject. He argued, “Bupyeong citizens should evaluate Democratic Party candidate Noh Jong-myeon, who is doing well.”

He also added, “Politicians should not disparage the May 18th Incident,” and “They should not disparage the Cheonan in the same way.”


2024-03-31 21:10:49

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