Hanan Yuval refused to appear in the Knesset on the eve of Memorial Day for the fallen of the IDF

by time news

The singer Hanan Yuval was invited to sing in the Knesset during the events on the eve of Memorial Day for the IDF Martyrs, which are produced for the Knesset and the Ministry of Defense, and refused. In his correspondence with the producer of the event, he said: “For this Knesset, of Almog Cohen, of Dodi Amsalem, of the company Gottlieb, of Galit Distel , of Aryeh Deri who enjoys the humor of Almog Cohen, of the chairman of the Knesset who, instead of reprimanding the filth, forbids their photography, which they didn’t know outside, and on and on – shall I continue? And there is not even a single tzaddik who will stand up and cry out. This is not my Knesset. To sing there in front of the rude This is telling a big lie to myself. There is no shortage of food and there will never be a shortage in the Yuval family home. I have worked for integrity all my life. I had to write to you. Good luck and Shabbos Shalom.”

“You have to talk to them like sheep”: Watch MK Almog Cohen’s unusual monologue

As you may recall, during the week MK Almog Cohen (‘Otzma Yehudit’) voted on the articles of the legal reform live on social networks, when during the broadcast of the vote he called out serious insults towards members of the Knesset from the opposition. When he addressed Knesset member Ofer Kasif he said “Oskot ” and made sounds used for herding sheep. After that, he turned to Shas Chairman Aryeh Deri and told him that “Do you see? You speak to them in their language, they understand you. Like a lamb, that’s how you should talk to them. Friends, I don’t tell him to be quiet in Hebrew because he doesn’t understand Hebrew.”

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