Hand tattooed, wearing fishnet stockings to take sexy photos

by times news cr

Diễm My 9X is one of the female artists who receives a lot of public attention. After getting married, the beauty now spends time with her small family, occasionally taking the time to attend entertainment events.

Recently, she shared her current, specific fashion style actress Diem My 9X said: ‘After getting married, my aesthetic taste also has to change, many outfit choices also change, become more formal and also need to match my husband’s image.

Currently, My fashion taste tends towards luxury and elegance, but sometimes I also need to change and break my style to “break the cocoon” and be a little more rebellious, because if I keep keeping the same image, it will get boring. bored, I also need to innovate every day’.

Diem My 9X said that she is currently following a simple, elegant direction.

But, just passed Diem My 9X shared new images and received a lot of attention from the audience. Specifically, she is pictured with “tattooed” arms and impressive smoky eye makeup. The beauty also showed off her slim figure with a tight tank top, short skirt and extremely sexy fishnet stockings.

Diem My 9X after marriage: Handshake, bring all your phone calls to cam-Picture-2

Diem My 9X’s seductive and personal image received a lot of attention.

Diem My 9X after marriage: Handshake, bring all your phone calls to cam-Picture-3

She wore a tight shirt and leather skirt, highlighting her curves.

Diem My 9X after marriage: Handshake, bring all your phone calls to cam-Picture-4

The beauty chose smoky eye makeup, in harmony with the overall look.

In fact, this is just a tattoo sticker used to take fancy photos. Although Diem My 9X asserts herself as a luxurious and elegant image after getting married, she still occasionally experiments with many different fashion styles. to bring something new to the audience and ourselves.

Diem My 9X after marriage: Handshake, bring all your phone calls to cam-Picture-5

The series of photos received many likes on his personal page.

On her personal page, the actress also often shares many photos with different styles. With a beautiful face and attractive body, from minimalist or sophisticated designs, Diem My 9X can dress beautifully.

Diem My 9X after marriage: Handshake, bring all your phone calls to cam-Picture-6

With her sexy figure, she can “conquer” many different swimsuit styles.

Diem My 9X after marriage: Handshake, bring all your phone calls to cam-Picture-7

But the designs she chose are still quite simple, without elaborate patterns or decorations.

Diem My 9X after marriage: Handshake, bring all your phone calls to cam-Picture-8

The beauty shows off her full breasts when going out with friends.

Diem My 9X after marriage: Handshake, bring all your phone calls to cam-Picture-9

Carefully invested photo sets receive many likes from the audience.

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