Handel to Krai: Give up your immunity so I can sue you for libel

by time news

The former Minister of Communications, Yoaz Hendel, filed a lawsuit against Communications Minister Shlomo Karai from the Likud on the claim that he slandered him. Handel called on Krei to lift his immunity. According to the indictment, as part of a discussion in the Knesset’s Economic Committee, Minister Karai said the following:
“They hid from us the huge amount that these channels received in the last year thanks to the extension of that temporary order, and it turns out, friends, I will reveal the amount to you, it is about NIS 40 million per year… for these two channels 12 and 13. Now another thing has also become clear, Minister of Communications Handel, who took care of this, got a job within a few days on one of these channels. The shame is gone.”

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In his words, Karai claimed that if a member of the Knesset from the Likud had done so, “moving to work in a supervised body a few days after we were its supervisors, and after 40 million shekels in bribes like this, we would already be sitting on the blade 433. So we are stopping the bribes given by the previous government.” He also added that those who benefit from the extension of the curfew are TV channels 12 and 13. “Already then, being a member of the Knesset, something smelled bad to me, I wondered why Communications Minister Handel insists on strengthening the large bodies; 12 and 13, and without telling us how much money is involved? Why is he so determined to prevent equality in the communications market? Why does he continue to fortify the monopolistic status and block the possibility of diversity and plurality of opinions?” he said at the committee.

“Vanities are unfounded, false and slanderous”

The next day he was even interviewed on Channel 14 and said other things. According to the former minister Handel and according to the statement of claim filed by attorney Ohad Rosen, these are “absurd, false and slanderous words, lies that were said knowing that they are false, the sole purpose of which is to discredit my client and damage his good name.”

According to the lawsuit, these are the transitional provisions of the Broadcasting Distribution Law through literary broadcasting stations. These provisions were enacted within the framework of the Economic Plan Law, meaning they entered into force in 2016 during Benjamin Netanyahu’s tenure as Minister of Communications and regardless of Handel. According to the document, Handel only extended by a year the law originally enacted by Netanyahu.

Handel claims through his lawyer that the impression was created as if he was responsible for the benefits to the major channels, and that there is no truth in this. Handel blasphemes with the word “bribery”, which attributes to him a criminal offense.

The lawsuit claims that under these circumstances, it is doubtful whether Kray’s parliamentary immunity is upheld – and in order to remove any doubt, Handel calls upon Kray to announce that he will not use his immunity regarding these statements so that they can be clarified in court. He further added, “As much as you choose to insist that these statements are covered under your parliamentary immunity – my client will see this as an admission that your words are diabolical lies, with all that implies.” The former minister also sent a warning letter before starting legal proceedings to a person who echoed Karai’s words and called Handel on Twitter “a corrupt and rotten criminal”.

Handel tweeted on his Twitter account: “I am a liar with immunity. I am convinced that he will allow the investigation of the claim in court. Whoever echoed him, without immunity, will pay. I have never sued for libel. A country cannot stop fake news, now as a citizen it is my duty to fight.”

Minister Karai chose not to comment.

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