Hantavirus Explained: Symptoms, Transmission, and Prevention Tips

by time news

Hantavirus: Understanding⁢ the Risk and Prevention

The hantavirus is a potentially deadly virus spread⁢ by ‌rodents like mice and rats. While‌ it’s not common in the Netherlands, it’s important to be aware of the risks and how to prevent infection.

How can ​you‌ get hantavirus?

The virus⁣ can be inhaled when you breathe⁤ in dust containing urine or‍ feces from infected rodents. It can also be transmitted through bites ‌from infected rodents.

What are ⁣the⁤ symptoms ‍of hantavirus?

Common symptoms include:

Muscle pain
​ Headache
Feeling like you’re ⁢coming down with the flu

In some cases, kidney⁣ function can be temporarily impaired. Symptoms usually appear 2-3 weeks after exposure to the virus.

What‌ can you do to prevent hantavirus?

⁣Avoid⁤ contact with‍ rodents, their ⁤nests, ⁤urine, and feces.
Keep your ⁣home free⁤ of food scraps that attract pests.
Ensure proper ventilation ⁤when cleaning ⁤areas​ where rodents may be present.

Can‍ you​ still go to work or⁣ school if ​you have symptoms?

If you feel⁣ well⁣ enough, you can continue your daily activities as usual,​ as hantavirus is not contagious between people.

Where can you find more information?

Contact the Infectious Disease Control‌ department at 050 367 4000 for⁣ further guidance and resources.

Understanding Hantavirus: Prevention and ​Future Trends

The ⁣article also explores the following:

Transmission pathways: ‌How the hantavirus spreads‌ through​ urine and feces, and the importance of avoiding dust exposure.
Recognizing symptoms: Early⁢ detection is ‌crucial‌ for better outcomes.
Preventative measures: ⁤Additional steps to minimize the ⁢risk of infection.
Future awareness and information access: Ongoing efforts to raise awareness and empower ‌communities with preventive knowledge.

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