Hanukkah at the Élysée | FranceEvening

by time news

2024-01-09 19:38:29

EDITED – The media widely reported this. The celebration of the Jewish holiday (in French) Hanukkah, at the Élysée, Thursday December 7, 2023, aroused indignation in the French political world.

In the opinion of Yonathan Arfi, president of CRIF (Representative Council of Jewish Institutions of France), Emmanuel Macron made a mistake. This is what he said on Sud Radio:

“This is not the place, within the Élysée, to light a candle because the Republican DNA is to stay away from anything religious. I was surprised. I wonder why Macron did it, it is not his role as President of the Republic.”

Yet this gentleman was present at the Elysée. Why then did he not oppose this celebration? Occasionally, if you come across him, ask him…

Taking up there, like many others, the formula whose initiator on YouTube is a man named Kareem, alias Ragna-Rock, French commentator on Elysian news, somewhat chauvinist who is rampant on YouTubea colleague of his, Black Bond PTV, commented on this event:

According to the President of the Republic (would he have sworn it on Zoé Sagan’s head?), this ceremony mainly consisted not of celebrating Hanukkah at the Élysée, but of being presented with “The Prize of the fight against anti-Semitism 2023” by the current Chief Rabbi of France, Haïm Korsia. And still according to Emmanuel I, if certainly, during the ceremony of the presentation of this essential prize, fundamental for the survival of humanity, Brigitte’s husband lit “the candle of remembrance”, never, oh great never, during the Hanukkah ceremony that followed, did he light another candle.

Bad, no!

Principle of secularism applied as a suppository without the knowledge of its own free will, His Majesty found himself in the middle of a horde of “republican” religious fanatics, some of whom, it seems, went so far as to support everything go during this clandestine spiritualism session, that God exists, unlike Santa Claus and democracy which are inventions of man.

Joking aside, given that the official leaders of all religions were present at the Elysée, we can definitely draw the following conclusion from this event, as long as we analyze it as it should be, namely taking the eight elements below as a mandatory basis for reflection.

First element: the three monotheistic religions, including the national leaders present during the ceremony, have the devil as their common supreme spiritual enemy. Let’s call him Satan.

Second element: this religious ceremony was held within the very place of supreme power of a Republic of France which is officially secular.

Third element: Emmanuel Macron and his friends are claimed globalists.

Fourth element: the globalists seek to replace, whatever the cost, the freedom of peoples, with a form of Chinese-style dictatorship, in which, in fact, Satan will reign supreme.

Fifth element: Satan cannot impose himself on a nation sufficiently united around a religion or an authentic ecumenism, the strategy of the globalists consists systematically of orchestrating chaos, of using the eternal “Divide and rule”, in order to , ultimately, to impose their religion on them: the undivided domination of Satan.

Sixth element: in this strategy which has everything Machiavellian, the Jews are used recurrently, first as a shield; the one behind which the worshipers of Satan hide to operate in secret; and then as scapegoats: guilty of the chaos designated by those who worked in secret to ensure that it intervened for their exclusive benefit.

Seventh element: the Élysée worked to publicize this charade as much as possible.

And eighth and final element: the religious leaders present during this masquerade are perfectly aware of the first seven elements above.

Conclusion: the façade of ecumenism which intervened in the politico-political play which was performed for us here, in reality consists of the union of the worshipers of Satan, who fallaciously designate the Jews as being privileged people responsible for all the ills of the French, this in order to prevent the true sacred union from taking place which alone can allow the eradication of “Because it’s our project”the chaos currently being finalized on which Macron and Co. have been working for almost seven years (1): “Jews, Christians, Atheists and Muslims, all united against Satan!”

And just to achieve their end, these manipulators will most certainly offer us this, as a triggering event: a new “false flag”. In line with the Annecy knife attack. “And so it is by the greatest of coincidences” that a Jew will stab an Imam at the cry of “Israel will overcome!”after a Muslim migrant, vainly awaiting his expulsion, had his throat slit, to the cry of “Allah Akbar!”an Orthodox rabbi and a priest: the refractory Gaul to whose church he had come as a friend, to pray for the soul of a deceased atheist.

And they are so sure of themselves, that the announcement of the advent of this chaos for 2024 was made officially, one could say, during New Year’s Eve on December 31, since that is the image of it which was projected on the Arc de Triomphe at midnight:

And it’s not an upcoming in-depth overhaul that’s going to change anything, other than putting a new coat of varnish on everything that’s cracking in France. It is therefore not surprising to see frontal attacks multiply against all structures like X which could stop the advent of this unique message.

Information is power to the people and free media like France-Soir have a duty to inform.

(1) This chaos was initiated by Valéry Giscard d’Estaing. François Mitterrand provided it with the structure necessary for its implementation and launched the process. Jacques Chirac continued and perfected it. With the adoption of the Treaty in violation of the referendum by which the people rejected it, Nicolas Sarkozy has completed the job of stripping the people of their sovereignty. François Hollande institutionalized the degeneration of traditional French society. And in addition to having brought this degeneration to all levels, Emmanuel Macron has brought “Divide and rule” to an essential paroxysm for chaos to intervene.

#Hanukkah #Élysée #FranceEvening

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