His mother sat him in front of the television, and that is how ‌he remembers the moment that would change his life, ​”because she was somehow‍ preparing ⁣for christmas. Then I ​had to watch⁤ Gustav Heinemann’s Christmas speech . I was ⁣maybe ⁤five or ​six there and I thought “It’s captivating ⁤that grandpa is sitting on the TV and saying warm words to me.⁤ That’s‌ when⁢ I decided: I wanted⁣ to go on TV too.”

Today the⁣ little boy from Recklinghausen, who was watching the Federal President ‍at the time, ‍turns 60 ​years old. Just 60, one could add, as ‌the man has made television⁣ history for more ⁣than⁤ four⁢ decades. whether as the False Queen Beatrix in‌ Bellevue ‌Palace,‌ as the always misbehaving local reporter Horst Schlämmer⁤ – or just ⁣as Also in the Churchwhose ⁢self-chosen first name is better for him than Hans-Peter.