Hapoel Tel Aviv fans responded to the owner’s letter: “Empty of content”

by time news

The letter issued by the owners of Hapoel Tel Aviv, in which they announced that they were willing to transfer control of the club without compensation if a person with means arrived, did not buy the team’s fans. The Ultras organization responded this morning (Thursday) to a letter in a Facebook post, announcing that a protest march will be held tomorrow in Savyon, where one of the owners, Sharon Nisnov, lives.

They were not convinced by the letter. Hapoel Tel Aviv fans | Udi quote

“As of this moment, despite a host of empty statements, the team’s fans have not received any real information about the extent of the debts and the price of the club,” the fans clarified. “A public declaratory document signed by all club owners detailing its price and obligations is a welcome step, but at the moment the document does not exist. If such a document is revealed to all Hapoel fans, we will treat it and consider our steps accordingly. Until then – boycott.”

As you may recall, last week Ultras Hapoel Tel Aviv announced a subscription boycott until the owners put the club up for sale. The owner said in a letter yesterday that “we are aware that it is time to transfer the reins and labor in order for this to happen. Investing in the club. “

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