“Happennino Hinterland Festival” is back: a project and long-term activity for the hinterland

by time news

2024-09-07 04:00:00

The Happennino Hinterland festival has started on Saturday 7 September and everything is ready to hang – this year too – the landscape of Pesaro and Urbino, in the Marche region.

It is a festival that has reached its reference point for the region seventh editionwhich brought us into the spotlight the most hidden part of the interior areas, with events that spread across five small towns, to restart the interior spaces under the sign of culture and participation between activities, sports and natural experiences.. Areas are involved Piobbico, Mercatello sul Metauro, Borgo Pace, Peglio and Sant’Angelo in Vado, all in the area of ​​Pesaro and Urbino..

For this edition – which also has the patronage of Pesaro 2024 Capital of Italian Culture – there is great news: the festival will not only spread in space but also in time. Happennino will truly fill the spaces of the hinterland with opportunities for meetings, emotions and experiences for every week in September (and there is nothing on the course of a single weekend, as in the six previous directions), with a calendar full of visitors and contentdeployed following the ground-breaking contemporary vision of the founders and participating communities moving forward from 2018.

“By extending the duration of the festival we want to give even more space to the community that hosts us and to the structures that reflect it – they said. Andrea Angelini, Francesco Martinelli and Vittoria Podrini organized Happennino – thus allowing those who take part in the events to also have time to get lost in the streets and shops of historical institutions, talk to local people and taste local products, under the organizers. They continued: “Today Happennino has become way to recover and restore the value, originality and creative potential of our Apenninessuggests a model of events and cultural sports capable of changing for the perception of the area is better by, first and foremost, those who live there. Our hope is to be able to turn Happennino into a stable, systematic and long-term activity, a community laboratory of people, places, projects, ideas and experiences working all year round, because we have sure you can really change. by doing concrete things for the region”, they concluded.

The organizers of the festival

So they are about to return exciting situations, emotions and noise, developed in a new format that aims to encourage the immersion of participants within the host countriesfor everything-except experience in perfect harmony with life in the Apennines. This year they will be making rounds at the festival numerous and transversal exceptional visitors: singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and musician Giovanni Truppiwhich started the ceremony on September 7th with an evocative solo concert in the Apennine village of Bacciardiin the area of the area of ​​Piobbico; writer, humorist and actor, deep connoisseur of the Apennines, Arianna Porcelli Safonov That on 8 September at Mercatello sul Metauro follow those who are on the right journey/reading Transhumance. And again: one of today’s quotes and conversations, Pablo Trincia, who on September 15th in Borgo Pace he will first hold a small-scale writing workshop and then a public meeting on the importance of places in the stories he tells. In the week from 16 to 22 September, in Pegliowill then go on stage Peglio nurseryas part of the year of Pesaro 2024 Italian Capital of Culture, which celebrates the relationship between culture and nature. For the occasion, Happennino has developed a format with an evocative title – Peglio nurseryprecisely – which wants to celebrate the greenery and environment of the Apennine hinterland but also the strength and creativity of the people who live there.

In this frame, on September 20 in Peglio Writers and journalists will be successful Alessandra Violafor a professional on plant rights. September 21st instead it will be the turn of the States General of the Apennines Apennines internshipThe meeting that is now permanent within the Happennino Festival. This year the event aims to follow and inspire those who come through personal stories and “ordinary” stories, which have brought an unusual change from the Apennines. They will be there Luca Dinijournalist and editor of the week F and that Natural Style, Greta CristiniGeopolitical analyst, reporter and author, Sofia Marescasemiotics expert and communication manager of the cultural organization Sineglossa and businessman and tourist Filippo Carbonari. To follow DJ organized by Carota de Lo Stato Sociale. sunday 22nd instead, it will be the Tan that we walk in search of wild herbs and “bishi mustard” as well the agri-influencer Francesco Broccolo. The grand finale of the Happennino Festival will be on September 29th in Sant’Angelo in Vadoput on a game about Ex Otagoin a strategic position between the meadows and gullies typical of the Apennine mountains.

During the previous editions, artists such as Enrico Brizzi, Marlene Kuntz, Giovanni Lindo Ferretti, Marco Paolini, and then Iosonouncane, Dardust, Motta, Nada, Guido Catalano, Tlon, Franco Arminio, La Asoju became List and many more.

This edition of Happennino Festival dell’Introterra is possible thanks to the patronage and contribution of the Unione Montana Alto Metauro and the communities of Borgo Pace, Mercatello sul Metauro, Piobbico, Sant’Angelo in Vado and Peglio; to the contribution of the Cassa di Risparmio di Pesaro Foundation and the Marche Chamber of Commerce, the main partner Ideal Blue and the sponsors Marche Multiservizi, PMJ, Bcc Metauro and CenterGame.
Events at UNCEM, ITS Turismo Marche, Woodenhouses and La Casa della Scripture of Borgo Pace as partners, with the patronage of Pesaro 2024 – Italian Capital of Culture and media partnership of the Natural Style.

“Happennino Hinterland Festival” is back: a project and long-term activity for the hinterlandcredit: Davide Nesci

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