Happy easter!

by time news

2023-04-16 07:58:16

Congratulations resurrection of Christ of Orthodox Christians!

Today we rejoice in the victory over death that stands behind everyone to remind them of the true values ​​in life, that it has an end and in that end nothing matters but the love we have given.

Resurrection is life after the end.

Resurrection of Christ is the greatest lesson for the living. It tells us that material life is unjust after the holiest man is crucified in agony. He tells us that human judgment is full of errors, but God’s is the supreme justice and it, as the priests sing, is given to everyone.

Easter is the spring festival when nature also rises to create new fruits, new flowers and a new harvest. And so every year without getting tired.

The Resurrection of Christ tells us, the people, that we also rise every morning, not to continue moving in the small circle of our habits, but to go beyond them, where is the real life that makes sense to live.

Happy holiday! Be healthy!

#Happy #easter

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