Happy New Year – Watan News

by time news

2023-06-28 09:18:04
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June 28, 2023

Watan Al-Youm: Queen Rania Al-Abdullah congratulated Prince Hussein bin Abdullah II, Crown Prince, on his twenty-ninth birthday.
The Queen published a picture of the Crown Prince on Facebook, commenting on it: “For my dear Hussein, every year and you are safe, life is full of happiness and peace of mind.”
His Highness the Crown Prince was born in the city of Amman on the nineteenth of Muharram 1415 AH, corresponding to the twenty-eighth of June 1994 AD.
A royal decree was issued to choose His Highness Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II as Crown Prince on the ninth of Rajab 1430 AH, corresponding to the second of July 2009 AD, and appointed His Highness as Deputy to His Majesty the King several times.
His Highness graduated from the Royal Military Academy “Sandhurst” in Britain in 2017, from which his father, His Majesty King Abdullah II, and his late grandfather, God willing, His Majesty King Hussein bin Talal, may God rest his soul, graduated.
His Highness graduated in 2016 from Georgetown University, majoring in international history, while he completed his high school studies from Kings Academy, Madaba, in 2012.
His Highness tied the knot with Her Highness Princess Ragwa Al-Hussein on the twelfth of Dhu al-Qi`dah in the year 1444 AH, corresponding to the first of June in the year 2023 AD.
His Highness holds the rank of captain in the Jordanian Armed Forces – the Arab Army, and currently occupies the position of assistant commander of a tank company in the Royal Armored Battalion / 2.
His Highness, along with his comrades-in-arms, participated during the past years in many military and specialized field training courses, parachuting, special operations, naval forces, and helicopter flight.
His Highness the Crown Prince follows up with all institutions to implement the directives of His Majesty the King, through visits and inspection tours. In the framework of strengthening His Majesty’s efforts to strengthen Jordan’s relations with Arab brothers and friends on the regional and international arenas, His Highness pays official business visits to many countries.
His Highness represented Jordan in many international forums, where he chaired the session of the United Nations Security Council, in April 2015, to discuss “the role of youth in building peace, resolving conflicts, and combating terrorism.”
His Highness’s efforts, which he began at the United Nations, culminated in the convening of the first Global Forum on Youth, Peace and Security in Jordan in August 2015.
His Highness the Crown Prince delivered Jordan’s speech at the meetings of the 72nd session of the United Nations General Assembly, on behalf of His Majesty King Abdullah II, on September 21, 2017.
His Highness participated in the work of the third session of the World Summit on Industry and Industrialization in 2020, just as he delivered Jordan’s speech, representing His Majesty the King, at the Middle East Green Initiative summit that Saudi Arabia held twice during the past two years in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, and the Egyptian city of Sharm el-Sheikh.
His Highness the Crown Prince participated in an interactive session within the “Communication: Dialogue on Reality and Aspirations” forum, which was held by the Crown Prince Foundation in April of this year, in which he stressed the need to keep pace with the development in the fields of artificial intelligence and develop the skills required in the current and future labor market.
His Highness, the Crown Prince, oversaw the “Comrades in Arms” program, which was prepared based on royal directives to support military retirees and veterans, through a committee formed for this purpose.
His Highness gives youth the greatest attention, and this was embodied in the establishment of the Crown Prince Foundation in 2015, with the vision of the work of “capable youth for an ambitious Jordan”, as the Foundation seeks to empower young men and women in all governorates with opportunities and skills in areas with a high competitive advantage, and the number of beneficiaries from its initiatives and programs reached more From two and a half million young men and women during the year 2022 from all governorates of the Kingdom.
The Foundation operates within a clear work strategy that it is keen to implement in all governorates of the Kingdom, and it consists of three axes: readiness for work and leadership, leadership, and citizenship, while it supervises the implementation of a number of initiatives and programs in various sectors.
The Foundation has four offices in the governorates of Ma’an, Aqaba, Zarqa, and Mafraq, and it will open offices in the rest of the governorates during the coming period.
As part of His Highness’s interest in the sectors of tourism, technical education and vocational training, Al Hussein Technical University, affiliated to the Crown Prince Foundation, was established in 2016 and received the first cohort in 2017. Programs were launched to support tourism and empower local communities economically and developmentally.
His Highness received the Independence Medal of the First Class, the King Abdullah II Ibn Al Hussein Medal for Excellence of the First Class, the First State Centenary Medal, the Royal Polar Star Medal from the Kingdom of Sweden, the Royal St. Olaf Medal of the First Class from the Kingdom of Norway, and the Renaissance Medal of King Hamad of the Excellent Class. (The necklace), from the sister Kingdom of Bahrain, and the insignia of the centenary of the Great Arab Revolt.
His Highness has many interests and hobbies that he practices regularly, such as playing football, diving, adventure, shooting and cycling.

#Happy #Year #Watan #News

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