«Happy to have been able to celebrate you»- time.news

by time news
Of Entertainment editorial team

The actress and ex-wife posted a video of the celebrations. His wife Emma Heming: «It was a beautiful day»

Bruce Willis he turned 68 on March 19. A birthday celebrated along with his extended family who has gathered around him more than ever in the last few months, after the diagnosis of fronto-temporal dementia which came as a result of aphasia problems. On social media, the ex-wife Demi Moore has published a video showing the celebrations for the actor, with his wife Emma Heming and all the children who sing happy birthday to him.

Willis appare happy and smiling, sing with them and then blow out the candles of the cake prepared by his wife. “I’m so glad we were able to celebrate you today – writes Moore below the video -. I love you and I love our family. Thank you all for the love and warm wishes, they all get there.”

Even Heming, married to Willis since 2009, wanted to talk about the day on her Instagram, not hiding how much her husband’s illness is putting her to the test and how frequent the moments of difficulty and discouragement. “Today is one of those days when I feel pain and sadness – she wrote, posting a video in which she barely holds back the tears – but the other side of the coin is that I’m lucky enough to feel the warmth and love that are directed to my husband and our family. Heming, in the stories, then published a group photo of the celebrations commenting: «It was a beautiful day».

March 20, 2023 (change March 20, 2023 | 10:14 am)

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