Harel Sekat managed to make me dance and cry at the same time

by time news

Soon it will be 20 years since the Israeli Peter Pan entered our consciousness, Harel Skaat, who somehow looks younger every year, his voice becomes clearer and he manages to conquer the radio charts again and again with his diverse songs. Today (Friday) the singer with the sound of the bells received the Sabbath together with about 2,500 other fans who filled the cultural hall and experienced the whole spectrum of emotions at forty with all the favorite hits.

The singer burst onto the stage with peak energy with the new song “Welcome to the chaos” – three words that are indeed the name of the song, but accurately describe the future to happen. The special stage that surrounded Sekat was made up of six huge screens that projected the course of the performance in perfect synchronization, and at the same time colored the hall and exposed the audience to clips from the original songs. The sound in the hall was accurate and allowed even those sitting in the last row to enjoy the pleasant sound produced by the singer’s throat, and even though it was a show that began its journey in the yeshiva, it maintained a high energy.

Harel Sekat at the Culture Hall (photo: Private)

After some of his old and best-loved hits, including “Something from me” and “How much more possible”, Sekat decided to take a moment on stage to address the political situation in Israel. “Out here, right in this square, there are bad spirits roaming around, and sometimes it seems that the music is the only thing that still unites us. As a proud Israeli, who loves his country very much and wants very much to live here, all I can do is wish us all good news,” Sekat addressed the crowd Referring to the demonstrations that are taking place in the Bima square these days against the legal reform.

From there, the singer went on to the song “Shiboo aleena”, which sent a message of hope and unity, and then came the most exciting moment of the show. In the audience, among everyone who came to listen to his songs, his husband, a member of the Knesset, stood out, of course Roll eraand for the first time also his two children – Ari and Isla, Each one of them won separately that Sekat will dedicate a song from his rich repertoire to them. Peter Pan also stopped to tell a personal story about his beginnings, which turned into a breathtaking performance of “Hello” by Lionel Richie.

Harel Sekat, Idan Roll and their children Ari and Isla (Photo: Alon Levin)

Harel Sekat, Idan Roll and their children Ari and Isla (Photo: Alon Levin)

Of course, the singer did not skip any more of his current and older hits alternately, in a way that moved my heart and made me cry more than once during the performance. But just then, when I felt the heat flowing through my body and the blood in my veins, Sekat seized the moment and soared to other heights. First host the rising star Avi Avromytogether they sang “Closed Party” and “Feel at Home” and demonstrated a harmonious combination of voices, followed by the successful singer Bar Sabri With his hit “Johnny”, with an exciting Yemeni curl section, “She Loved Nefshi” and to sum up Sabri’s new song, “In the next chapter”.

Harel Sekat and Bar Tzavi (Photo: Alon Levin)

Harel Sekat and Bar Tzavi (Photo: Alon Levin)

I admit, I came to the show skeptical. I was hoping for the old songs, a bit of nostalgia – and home. But this was a different experience. I remembered exactly why the “Kohav Nold 2” contestant managed to maintain relevance over the years, how he conquers hearts and how his gentle and beautiful voice penetrates under the skin and does not let anyone remain indifferent to his animalistic stage presence. And so, Shabbat Shalom opens!

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