Harlah Ansor and Fatayat, Makmun Invites NU Youth and Women to Build Kendal

by time news

2023-04-25 04:28:59


Two autonomous Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) bodies for youth, the Ansor Youth Movement and women’s, Fatayat, have birthdays on Monday (24/4/2023).

KENDAL – Two autonomous Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) bodies for youth, Ansor Youth Movement and women’s, Fatayat, have birthdays on Monday (24/4/2023). Kendal DPRD chairman Muhammad Makmun said the anniversary of the two NU youth organizations was important to reflect on the youth movement in development.

According to him, NU as the largest religious organization in the country has consistently guarded the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia to this day. Meanwhile, Ansor and Fatayat, as youth wing organizations, are the driving force for broadcasting ahlussunah wal jamaah values ​​into everyday life in society.

“Ansor and Fatayat’s task has not been completed, as generations continue to grow and are forged through the regeneration process. The values ​​and traditions of Aswaja that have been passed down from their predecessors need to be actualized in the context of a dynamic era,” he said, Monday (24/4/2023).

The chairperson of the council, who on various occasions said he was indebted to Ansor as the organization that had forged it, further urged NU youths and girls to be more creative and innovative in order to provide benefits to society.

“There is a lot of space for friends to spread Aswaja. Not only in the religious field, but also in other fields. What is education, the world of business and even politics. Everything becomes a field of da’wah if worship is done,” he said.

The Kendal PC Ansor Board of Trustees gave an example, with his position as the leader of the Kendal DPRD, he can fight for the interests of NU members through policies.

He stated that among what had been done, he and the PKB faction succeeded in initiating the birth of a Regional Regulation (Perda) concerning Islamic Boarding Schools. In addition, through the Main Thoughts of the Chairperson of the DPRD, the construction of the Ansor and Fatayat buildings can be budgeted for in the 2023 APBD.

“All of this is of course part of the mission to provide benefits for the people of Kendal, where NU and its youth and women are one of the government’s stakeholders in development,” he said.

Separately, Head of PC GP Ansor Kendal, Misbahul Munir said that Ansor cadres spread down to the branch level were ready to oversee the government’s agenda. This has been proven by the work of the cadres who have contributed in various professional and social fields.

“In accordance with the theme of the 89th Harlah this year, I invite all cadres to synergize internally and collaborate externally, we will prove that young people in Kendal can become agents of change for a more powerful Kendal,” he said.

Ansor, whose 89th birthday carries the theme ‘Didgaya GP Ansor, Digdaya Indonesia’. While Fatayat raised the theme ‘Forward together, Strengthened together for Indonesian Women and World Civilization’ on her 73rd birthday.


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