Harvey Colchado’s lawyer: “Obviously…

by time news

louis naldosattorney for Colonel PNP, Harvey Colchadospoke after denouncing through his social networks that the government of the President of the Republic, Pedro Castillo Terroneswould be about to relieve his sponsored from his position in DIGIMIN and retire him.

In an exclusive interview for 2022 in 24 hoursthe legal defense of Colonel Colchado assured that, based on all the actions that the Executive has been carrying out, there is an attempt to hinder the work of the Search Division of the General Intelligence Directorate.

If one adds up the number of events that have occurred since the complaints in the Inspectorate, the budget cut in September, the attempt to take over in September, the budget cut a few days ago […] If one adds all this, obviously, the logical conclusion is that there is indeed harassment and an attempt to obstruct the work of the PNP special team“, said.

About the Judiciary

Likewise, Naldos Blanco indicated that they expect a prompt response from the Power of attorneyabout the amparo appeal that has been filed and, to date, there has been no statement in this regard.

What we want is for the Judiciary to rule on the amparo that has already been filed a few weeks ago and that there is no concrete response from the Judiciary, at least a timely response“, held.

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