Has the leading candidate for the position of Spokeswoman “renovated” a recommendation?

by time news

Adv. Gali Bahrav-Miara is the leading candidate for the position of Attorney General in place of Dr. Avichai Mandelblit, who will end his six-year term at the end of the month. Advocate Bahrav-Miara receives public support from Justice Minister Gideon Saar, who also offered her candidacy.

In Rabbi Miara she passed a list of particularly respectable recommendations for review by the job search committee. The list, first unveiled by Globes, includes a long line of past and present Supreme Court justices. With the judges registered as recommenders, Adv. Bahrav-Miara also passed on the name of Supreme Court Justice Anat Baron.

Since this is an incumbent judge, Baron did not forward a written recommendation. Advocate Bahrav-Myara noted that the acquaintance between them is a professional and personal acquaintance over more than 30 years.

In a response on behalf of Baron through a court spokeswoman, it was stated: “The judge clarified to the attorney in Rabbi Miara, when she approached her, that in the absence of professional interaction with her, she would not be able to give a recommendation on the professional side. However, and insofar as there is an appeal to her in her case on behalf of the committee, the judge will address the personal aspect in the face of personal acquaintance with her. No written recommendation was made. “

Treat “the personal aspect”

Apart from the explicit contradiction between Rabbi Meira’s claim and Judge Baron’s response, one has to wonder about Baron’s inclusion as a recommendation for Rabbi Meira for the position of Speaker, with an incumbent Supreme Court judge referring only to the candidate’s personal face. The committee members did not contact Judge Baron at all, and could not have known that the recommendation did not in any way relate to her legal qualifications for the position.

Another incumbent Supreme Court judge, whose name was added by Bahar-Miara as a recommender against the background of professional and personal acquaintance of over 30 years, is Judge Prof. Dafna Barak-Erez. In response to Globes’ question about the recommendation, in light of the fact that the two never worked together, when Rabbi Meira served as a civil attorney, while Prof. Barak-Erez worked at Tel Aviv University, Judge Barak-Erez said: “Judge Barak-Erez Many years with an attorney in Rabbi Miara, starting in the days when the judge specialized in the Tel Aviv District Attorney’s Office (civil).

The professional discourse continued: “The professional discourse continued during the period when the judge served as professor of law at Tel Aviv University and engaged in research in the field of administrative law, which also examined litigation in which the state was involved, including litigation in the district attorney’s office.” In some of the years in which Judge Barak-Erez has already served on the Supreme Court. “It should be noted that Adv. Bahrav-Miara herself never appeared before Judge Barak-Erez, who was appointed to judge in 2012.

Another incumbent chief judge who agreed to add his name to the list of recommenders is Judge Uzi Vogelman.

Will Judge Grunis be convinced?

In addition to the three incumbent justices, with Bahra-Miara’s militia are former Supreme Court President Dorit Beinisch; And former Supreme Court justices Edna Arbel, Menachem Mazuz, Zvi Zilbertal and Hanan Meltzer. Apart from them, the retired judge and retired commissioner Hila Gerstel were also recommended about her; Former Chairman of the Securities Authority Zohar Goshen; Professors Shaul Horev, Ariel Porat and Nili Cohen; as well as former State Attorneys and other officials.

It is estimated that the plethora of recommendations from past and present Supreme Court justices is intended to persuade the weak link among members of the search committee, former Supreme Court President Asher Grunis, who serves as chairman of the committee.

The committee officially announced this week the nine candidates for the post of attorney general. The public now has 21 days to express their reservations from the various candidates, before the committee finally recommends the worthy and qualified candidate on its behalf, for the purpose of its approval by the government. It should be noted that the committee may recommend one or two candidates and even three candidates, provided that these candidates have received the support of at least four of the five members of the selection committee.

Adv. Galia Bahrav-Miara has not yet given her response.

*** Clarification: In the initial version of the article, it was mistakenly claimed that there was no close professional connection between Adv. Bahar-Myara and Judge Uzi Vogelman. The claim was removed after Judge Vogelman put the Knesset to justice.

For the sake of good order, the following is Judge Vogelman’s response through the spokesperson: “Gali Bahrav-Myara was the director of the administrative department of the Tel Aviv District Attorney’s Office (civil) between the years 2000-2006, when the Tel Aviv Administrative Courts Law came into force. Judge Vogelman was appointed to the court “In administrative matters in 2000 upon the adoption of the law and was exposed to her work during a sensitive and constitutive period.” In addition, Adv.

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