Has the WHO asserted that babies of vaccinated mothers have myocarditis?

by time news

2023-07-28 18:13:18

“The WHO admits that fully stung mothers give birth to babies with severe heart defects. “This message, shared several thousand times on social networks for a few months, points directly to the vaccines against Covid-19.

The account with the most viral post is called “Truth Spread” and regularly shares conspiracy theories. In the long text shared it is also stated that there is an “increase in myocarditis in children born to vaccinated mothers but the injections continue”.

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Florian Philippot, president of the Les Patriotes movement, and emblematic figure of the antivax, covidosceptic movement, among others, also shared the news in spring. The politician then shared the page of Epoch Times, a multilingual site that calls itself for independent and free information. The latter has already been pinned several times for spreading false information.

In short, this so-called increase in myocarditis in children whose mothers are vaccinated against Covid-19, has not escaped any member of the antivax sphere. But is it true? 20 Minutes make the point.


In the long text shared by the “Truth broadcast” account, it is indicated that the World Health Organization (WHO) is studying the phenomenon in particular in the United Kingdom. “According to the report, 15 neonates and infants experienced symptoms consistent with neonatal sepsis between June 2022 and March 2023 in South Wales (10 cases) and South West England (five cases) . Among these cases, eight required intensive care and one died before being transferred to tertiary care.

It is also advanced by the various sites which relay the message that the WHO reports: “Although enterovirus infections are common in newborns and young infants, the reported increase in myocarditis with serious consequences in newborns and infants associated with enterovirus infection is unusual. »

To better understand where this false information comes from, it is worth taking a closer look at this famous report from which these data are drawn. It is actually a outbreak information bulletinpublished on May 16, 2023, on the WHO website, and titled “Myocarditis – United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”.

The vaccine against Covid-19 never mentioned by the WHO

Each of the quotes mentioned above is indeed in the document of the organization, but nowhere is the vaccines against Covid-19 mentioned. It was only a matter of pointing fingers and detailing the situation. It is explained that “non-polio enteroviruses are common and distributed throughout the world”.

These viruses cause occasional outbreaks during which an abnormally high proportion of patients develop clinical disease, hence the concern expressed by health authorities in the United Kingdom. This can sometimes have serious and fatal consequences, in this case myocarditis, explains the World Health Organization.

In February, once this abnormal number of young children was found, pediatricians were alerted and advised to consider the possibility of myocarditis in infants and newborns in shock. An incident management team has been set up by the UK authorities. It is examining the data in order to establish the measures to be taken, and epidemiological investigations are underway. But the track of vaccines against Covid-19 has never been mentioned.

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